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Instructional Accommodations for a Student with a Disability
2015-2016 Colorado Instructional Accommodations Manual: A Guide to the Selection and Implementation of Accommodations for Students with Disability
The Colorado Instructional Accommodations Manual provides guidance for IEP Teams and educators, presents a Five-Step Process for the selection and implementation of instructional accommodations. It offers tools and suggestions for using technology for students with a disability to best access instructional context.
PLEASE NOTE: Accommodations manual is in the process of being updated. The general content is still relevant. The manual will be updated to ensure that newer technologies may be added to exampled accommodations.
Updated Version Coming Soon
Part 1: Instructional Accommodations
- Section I Guidance
- Section II Five-Step Process
- Section III Tools
- Considerations When Making Decisions for Instructional Accommodations - no changes from 2014-2015 version
- Student Characteristics
- Tables A-P: Instructional Accommodations Linked to Student Characteristics
- Table A: Vision
- Table B: Hearing
- Table C: Fine Motor
- Table D: Communication
- Table E: Reading
- Table F: Writing
- Table G: Mathematics
- Table H: Physical Motor
- Table I: Attention Deficit
- Table J: Auditory Processing
- Table K: Setting/Environment
- Table L: Timing and Scheduling
- Table M: Brain Injury
- Table N: Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Table O: Executive Function
- Table P: Specific Learning Disability
- Participation Guidelines: Alternate Academic Achievement Standards and Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Worksheet
- Participation Guidelines Worksheet Companion
- Participation Guidelines Worksheet - Booklet
- Decision-Making Graphic
- Flowchart Graphic - no changes from 2014-2015 version
- Assistive Technology Apps and Software
- Glossary of Instructional Accommodations
- Parent Input for Accommodations
- Accommodations from the Student's Perspective
- Do's and Don'ts when Selecting Accommodation - no changes from 2014-2015 version
- Use of Scribe (Cherry Creek Schools)
- Accommodation Use in the Classroom - no changes from 2014-2015 version
- Evaluation of Accommodation Use Data Collection Sheet
- After-Test Accommodations Interviews
- Infused Skills Grid (PEAK Resource)
- CCSS K-12 Technology Scope and Sequence (Long Beach Unified School District)
- Technology Skills Checklist, Kentucky Example
- Computer Literacy Guide Example
- Section IV: Technology
Accessing Statewide Assessments
Assessment Accommodations Manuals
Instructional Shifts and Instructional Implications for Students with a Disability
- Overview of Instructional Shifts in ELA/Literacy and Mathematics: Achieve the Core (PDF)
- Common Core Shifts for ELA/Literacy
- Complexity: The standards require regular practice with complex text and its academic language
- Evidence: The standards emphasize reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational
- Knowledge: The Standards require building knowledge through content-rich non-fiction
- Common Core Shifts for ELA/Literacy
- Achieve the
For more information, please contact:
Tanni Anthony (Interim)
Phone: (303) 503-4647
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