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Secondary Transition

What is Secondary Transition?  It is the process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school and can be thought of as a bridge between school programs and the opportunities of adult life, including higher education or training, employment, independent living and community participation.  Transition planning provides opportunities for students with disabilities to experience positive post-school outcomes, such as:

  • higher graduation rate
  • lower dropout rates
  • increased enrollment in colleges and universities
  • higher rates of competitive employment
  • increase levels of independence

Secondary Transition Listserv

The Secondary Transition has three listservs which shares resources.  The first listserv, TTL, provides training opportunities and information including current trends, research, and ongoing topics of interest related transition for transition coordinators, special education teachers, transition team leads, agency providers, parents etc. The second listserv, KTR, provides information and updates to special education directors and assistant directors. The third listserv, 18-21, provides updates and information to the 18-21 transition service providers. The purpose of these listservs is to facilitate connections, awareness, and access to information, learning opportunities, and resources that will better the lives of students in Secondary Transition and benefit the families, communities, and professionals who support them. Sharing of information is encouraged; however, it is at the discretion of the CDE what information will be posted. This service is chat-free and does not include advertisements from vendors or contract-based companies. To subscribe to the Transition Listserv, please follow the directions below. 

Join The TTL Listserv

To subscribe to the TTL listserv:

To unsubscribe from the TTL listserv: 

Join The KTR Listserv

To subscribe to the KTR listserv:

To unsubscribe from the KTR listserv: 

Join The 18-21 Listserv

To subscribe to the 18-21 listserv:

To unsubscribe from the 18-21 listserv: 

Listserv Disclaimer:

A variety of learning opportunities, information, and resources are provided on this listserv. These materials do not represent an exhaustive list, nor are they required or endorsed by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). The identification or description is for the purpose of providing information and resources and does not constitute CDE's endorsement. Every effort has been made to identify the citation for the resource; please maintain the citation and/or authorship when adapting or modifying these materials.

What's New!

Transition Training for Parents 

Our 10-part training series and supporting documents will cover the transition requirements and process in detail. We want to equip parents, students, and staff to design and implement a meaningful transition plan to successfully launch their teen into adulthood with the needed support and services to achieve their dreams!

Transition Training Modules

PSO Interview Postcards

The Post School Outcomes Interview Postcards are now available upon request: Request PSO Interview Post Cards (Google Doc)

Transition Talks

Each month, the CDE Secondary Transition Specialist will host Transition Talks covering a variety of topics related to effective secondary transition planning.  Visit the Transition Talks webpage for dates and additional information.

Regional Meetings for Secondary Transition Personnel - We Need to Hear from You!

  • What is going on in your region?
  • What topics are relevant to you?
  • What challenges are you facing?
  • How might your state transition team assist you?

Please share your needs via the Secondary Transition Providers - link being updated.  For immediate requests please email Kacy Little Owl.

Secondary Transition Training Events

Please reference the Secondary Transition Support Trainings and Opportunities (PDF) to view the various professional development and technical assistance opportunities available upon request. 

State Toolkit for Examining Post-School Success (STEPSS)

Additional Information:

Team Members

Kacy Little Owl
Principal Consultant / Secondary Transition Specialist
Email Kacy Little Owl
Phone: (303) 501-0347

Katie Oliver
Principal Consultant / Inter-Agency Transition Liaison
Email Katie Oliver
Phone: (720) 413-4006
Berta Schlachet
Program Support Assistant


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