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Session 2 - Relationship between Numbers and Quantities
Step 3
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Model & Think: Math Lesson (45 - 60 minutes):
Igniting background knowledge (3-5 minutes)
Before delving into the lesson, let’s warm up the students’ brains.
Warm-Up Activity & Directions:
- Begin with a brief review of counting numbers 0 to 10.
- Write the numbers and have students say them aloud while you point to each corresponding number.
- Listen for numbers that students might be struggling to identify. After writing a few more numbers, go back to the ones students struggle with and allow them to try again.
- Place 5 counters in a line on the table and ask students to count with you as you tap or slightly move each counter.
- Repeat this process with a few different numbers.
Why are students doing this/what are they getting out of it?
Students will count quantities and match them to a corresponding number card.
Lesson Activity Model (10 minutes)
Activity: Counting Ten-Frame Cards and Number Cards (0-10)
Questions to lead the discussion:
- What number is one larger than four? (Answer: five)
- What number is one less than seven? (Answer: six)
Directions for Giving the Task:
- 1. Display the Number Cards (0-10) in order on the table/desk in front of students.
- 2. Go through each number, counting aloud together.
- 3. Choose a ten-frame card and ask the student to count.
- 4. Ask students to place Counting Ten-Frame Cards under the corresponding number card.
- 5. Throughout this activity, ask the students to explain why they chose the number they did. Listen for explanations that might include: “I count each circle in the ten frame card and match that to the number card.” or “I know that a full ten frame is the same as 10.”
- 6. If you are doing this with a whole class: count as a class and ask for student volunteers to match the corresponding number card.
- 7. If you are doing this with an individual or a small group count as a small group or let individual students count. You may need to model your own thinking around this activity. If so, pick a ten frame and think out loud about how you determine what number matches. For example 6 – “I know that the top of the ten-frame is 5 and then I add on 1 more to make 6.”
- 8.If students get stuck understanding, students can repeat after listening and watching you.
Please Note
If this activity seems to be taking a long time, this would be a good breaking point.
Collaborative Activity #1: (10 - 15 minutes)
Activity: Counting Ten-Frame Cards and Number Cards (0-10)
Focus: MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, MP7: look for and make use of the structure
Why are students doing this/what are they getting out of it?
This activity allows students to independently practice the previous activity to gain self-confidence with counting quantities and matching to their corresponding number.
- Students will now do the Counting Ten-Frame Cards and Number Cards (0-10) model activity from above, but independently or with a partner.
- Give student/pairs their own set of number cards (0-10).
- Give student/pairs their own set of ten-frame cards.
- Ask them to match the numbers with the ten-frame cards.
- The students should discuss with each other why they matched the numbers and ten-frames they did.
- Students need to leave their cards out for the facilitator to check before moving on to activity #2.
- Extension: students can put them in order from zero to ten.
Progress Monitoring
- Use Progress Monitoring: Collaborative Activity #1
- Take note of correct matches using Counting Ten-Frame Cards and Number Cards activity.
- Take note of incorrect matches using Counting Ten-Frame Cards and Number Cards activity.
- To move forward, you will want students to be able to match dots on the Ten-Frame Cards with the correct number Cards at least 50% of the time.
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