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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
STEM Education Updates :
The State Board of Education is required to review and approve the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) for each content area every six years. During the 2024-25 academic year, the board will review four content areas: (1) comprehensive health, (2) mathematics, (3) reading, writing and communicating, and (4) science. As part of the board’s review process, they are seeking feedback on the current standards for the subjects under review. Please share your feedback on one or more of the four subject areas under review via the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) Revision Survey. The survey will remain open until Friday, Oct. 18.
Would you like to access local Colorado data to enhance your instructional materials? See free local, data resources from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, ESRI, and NOAA here
In-person STEM meetings across Colorado in September will feature discussions on needs, opportunities, and resources, including mini-grants, quantum activities, and networking through the new STEM Ecosystem app. The events are free and include lunch, with locations in Glenwood Springs, Pueblo, and Longmont.
Sat. Sept. 21, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.: SVVSD Innovation Center, Longmont. Register
Interested in learning more about the Seal of Climate Literacy? Check out the Lyra website here for more information. Lyra Colorado is also offering grant funding. Early deadline is August 30 and final deadline is 23. Check out more information here.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is hosting poster contest for 9-14 year olds (poster flyer linked here) and a video contest for students aged 14-18 (video flyer linked here). Prizes are available for top submissions. The deadline is November 25, 2024; please visit the CDPHE website linked here for details.
The first Colorado Youth Climate Summit for participants aged 16+ will be held in Carbondale on May 2-3, 2025. Applications (linked here) are now open for the Youth Summit Leader Team, with a deadline of September 17, 2024. Interested youth, educators, and community leaders can also complete a Summit Interest Form (linked here) to stay informed about registration and related opportunities.
The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching (PAEMST) nominations are now open for both K-6 and 7-12 science/STEM teachers- a change from previous years. Secondary science teachers (grades 7-12) may complete applications when they open in Fall 2024. Elementary science teachers (grades K-6) may be nominated now. K-6 nominees will be notified during the current 2024-2025 cycle and may begin their applications in the 2025-2026 cycle. Feel free to monitor the PAEMST site (linked here) for more information.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife is now accepting sign-ups for K-12 virtual programs on topics including wolves, adaptations, mapping, and ecosystems. Programs are offered monthly through November and align with Colorado Academic Standards. Interested educators can sign up using the Google form link here and direct any questions to
Save the Date for the Colorado Science Conference happening October 25th @ CSU Spur. Learn more about attending, presenting, and/or exhibiting by accessing this link.
Check out the 2023-2024 monthly, curated STEM Resources here!
Join the Colorado STEM Ecosystem !
STEMM Opportunity Alliance and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) release the Equity and Excellence 2050 - A National Strategy for Progress and Prosperity
Learn more about the STEM work happening with students during outside school time through the Colorado Academic Accelerator Program here
Interested in participating in a STEM Teacher Externship? Check out the STEM Teacher Externship program through the Colorado Department of Labor and Employement here.
Master of Teaching and Invention and Intellectual Property Education Program offers professional learning opportunities. Access more information here.
Check out AI 101 for Teachers – that co-launched alongside ETS, Khan Academy and ISTE. The program is a free, foundational online learning series for any teacher and educator interested in AI and its transformative potential in education. For additional AI resources, please go to the CDE Computer Science website here.
STEM Definition
"An interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering and mathematics in context that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise, enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy."
-- Tsupros, Kohler, & Hallinen, 2009
Note: The Office of Standards and Instructional Supports (SIS) interprets "real world lessons" as stated in the above definition to mean authentic, student centered learning experiences.
STEM Standards
STEM Opportunities, Funding, and Resources
- STEM Opportunities and Resources for Teachers, Students, and Community Members
- STEM Funding
- What is a STEM School? is a resource for identifying and measuring STEM schools and programs.
- Information about STEM Diploma Endorsement
- Access Computer Science Instructional Resources
Documentary about Jamestown Flood by students from STEM in Action Grantee Boulder Valley School District.
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