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High-Impact Tutoring Program
The Colorado General Assembly’s Joint Budget Committee is currently examining a number of grant programs at the Colorado Department of Education, including the HITP grant. While we await the outcome of the 2025-26 budget, we have postponed the posting of the RFA for the HITP grant. As we learn more information, we will post it here.
What is High-Impact Tutoring?
High-impact is an evidenced-based tutoring model that focuses on maximizing student learning within short, frequent periods of time. This specific form of tutoring involves intense, targeted support with repeated tutor-student interactions. High-impact tutoring is distinct from other forms of tutoring in terms of its specific structure, frequency, duration, and data-driven nature. Like any form of student support, high-impact tutoring is most effective when specific, well-defined goals and expectations are articulated by education leaders. The below image outlines elements of high-impact tutoring, as identified by Colorado law.
Overview of the High-Impact Tutoring Program
Significant interruptions to in-person learning due to the covid-19 pandemic have led to potentially devastating and long-lasting negative impacts on student achievement, impacting every part of Colorado society. These negative impacts on student achievement are not equal; students furthest from privilege are at risk of falling behind the most. Research suggests that while all students may fall behind as much as seven months because of interruptions to in-person learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students who identify as Black, Latino, or lower income may fall behind as much as ten months, exacerbating already entrenched inequities. Responding to learning loss and the widening of opportunity gaps could be the greatest challenge our state faces over the next few years, and the state has an urgent and immediate need to provide additional support to ensure students are well prepared for the future. As such, the Colorado legislature passed House Bill 21-1234 (PDF) creating the Colorado High-Impact Tutoring Program which was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis on June 16, 2021.
2023-24 and 2024-25 High-Impact Tutoring Grantees
Colorado is a proud recipient of the Accelerate - States Leading Recovery grant. Thanks to this support, Colorado's HITP Grant has expanded in 2023.
Adams County School District 14
Bethune School District R-5
Boulder Valley School District RE-2
Center Consolidated School District 26JT
Clear Creek School District RE-1*
Colorado River BOCES
Colorado Springs School District 11*
CSI - Academy of Arts and Knowledge
CSI - AXIS International Academy
CSI - High Point Academy
CSI - Kwiyagat Community Academy
CSI - Montessori del Mundo
CSI - New America Schools
CSI - Prospect Academy of Colorado
CSI - Ricardo Flores Magón Academy
CSI - Steamboat Montessori*
CSI - Stone Creek Charter School*
Denver Public Schools*
Durango 9-R - The Juniper School
Durango School District 9-R
East Grand School District 2*
Education reEnvisioned BOCES
Falcon 49
Harrison School District 2
Lake County School District R-1
Mancos School District RE-6
Mesa County Valley School District 51*
Prairie School District RE-11*
Rangely School District RE-4*
School District 27J
Sheridan School District 2
Silverton School District 1
South Central BOCES
St. Vrain Valley School District RE-1J
Steamboat Springs School District RE-2
Summit School District RE-1
Thompson School District R2-J*
*Denotes one-year program.
2022-2023 High-Impact Tutoring Grantees
The second cohort of HITP were the first group of grantees providing high-impact tutoring for an entire academic year.
Archuleta School District 50Jt
Aurora Public Schools-Vega
Center Consolidated Schools, 26JT
Charter School Institute - Academy of Arts and Knowledge
Charter School Institute - AXIS International Academy
Charter School Institute - Kwiyagat Community Academy
Charter School Institute - New America School
Colorado Springs School District 11
Denver Public Schools
East Grand School District
Greeley-Evans School District 6
Jefferson County Public Schools R-1
Poudre School District
Sargent School District RE- 33J
School District 27J
South Routt School District
Westminster Public Schools
2021-2022 High-Impact Tutoring Grantees
The first cohort of HITP grantees pioneered high-impact tutoring in Colorado.
Archuleta School District 50Jt
Aurora Public Schools-Vega
Aurora Public Schools – Charter School – Rocky Mountain Prep Fletcher
Center Consolidated Schools, 26JT
Charter School Institute - Academy of Arts and Knowledge
Charter School Institute - AXIS International Academy
Charter School Institute - Kwiyagat Community Academy
Charter School Institute - New America School
CIVICA Colorado Charter school
Colorado Springs School District 11
Denver Public Schools
Denver Public Schools – Charter School – Rocky Mountain Prep
East Grand School District
Greeley-Evans School District 6
Ignacio School District
Jefferson County Public Schools R-1
Poudre School District
Sargent School District RE- 33J
School District 27J
South Routt School District
Westminster Public Schools
Additional Resources for Grantees
CDE's High Dosage Tutoring Guide
- CDE's 2022 HITP Annual Report
- CDE's 2023 HITP Annual Report
- CDE's 2024 HITP Annual Report
Grantee Reporting Resources
- Reporting for 2024-25 grantees is required. This includes June fiscal reporting as well as program program required to be submitted to CDE by August 2025. Please contact for further information.
Tutoring Provider Guidance
- HITP grantees can refer to these resources for further information on tutoring providers
More about CDE's HITP Grant
Since 2021, the HITP Grant team has actively supported the implementation of high-impact tutoring across Colorado. In 2023, the Department received a grant the Accelerate State's Leading Recovery grant to complement existing resources from the State and Federal governments. The program aims to scale support and technical assistance for grantees implementing high-impact tutoring for Colorado students.
Why High-Impact Tutoring?
With scarce resources, it is imperative to know which academic interventions yield the best results for students so that resources are deployed judiciously and effectively. While there are many interventions that have a positive impact on student achievement, one intervention, backed by a strong body of research, has consistently been shown to be the most effective in every grade, from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Studies have consistently shown, in multiple diverse settings, that "high-impact tutoring", also referred to as "high-dosage tutoring", has made significant positive impact on students from all backgrounds, but especially students furthest from opportunity. When such tutoring is implemented, students average more than four months of additional learning in elementary literacy, thereby strengthening vital early reading and writing skills, and almost ten months of additional learning in high school math. Therefore, local education providers should be incentivized to implement high-impact tutoring as one of the interventions schools have access to as they create plans to recover from learning loss or unfinished learning that has taken place because of the pandemic.
Program Questions:
Or Call 720-237-3306
Budget/Fiscal Questions:
Email Tricia Miller
Or call 303-877-2154
Application Process Questions:
Email Mandy Christensen
Or call 303-866-6250
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