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Session 1 - Relationship between Numbers and Quantities
Step 1
Get Prepared (15 to 30 minutes):
Gather materials and review the lesson.
You will need copies of the following handouts. Make copies or turn on computers.
Step 2
Think: Pre-Lesson Knowledge Check! (3 - 5 minutes)
Pre-Lesson Knowledge Check Task: Pre-Lesson Knowledge Check
Pre-lesson Knowledge Check Task:
Directions for Giving the Task:
Ask each student to count to ten verbally.
Accommodation for non-verbal students: The facilitator asks the student to put the numeral cards in order, the student points to numbers that are mixed up in the correct order, and the student points to the number said aloud.
Take note of which number they begin and stop at.
Take note of which numbers are skipped.
To move forward, you will want students to be able to count from zero to ten, correctly, and in order. If they cannot, then review some practice of the pre-skill.
Directions for Scoring & Understanding Student Responses
While students are doing the pre-knowledge check, you will want to listen and record their verbal counting. Use the suggestions below to help decide if they “got it” or are still struggling with this skill.
Sample Thinking Prompts:
Common Problems |
Question to Pose to Student |
Student does not know which numbers to start with |
Encourage them to start with zero. Support by saying “Zero”. Note: Make sure the student is stating the numbers, not “singing” them to ensure mastery. |
Student skips a number |
Support by redirecting “Oops, you skipped the number ___. It comes after ___ and before ___. Listen and repeat me counting to ten.” |
Student counts same counter twice |
Support by showing and stating “Let's put counters on top of the spots and move them off the ten-frame as we count.” |
Answer: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Please Note
If students were unable to grasp the skills in the Pre-Lesson Knowledge Check or provided incorrect answers, they should review the skills needed before this lesson. See the section above, “Progression of Skills” for ideas and resources. Otherwise, proceed to the next section.
Focus: MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively and MP7: Look for and make use of the structure
Please Note
If this activity seems to be taking a long time, this would be a good breaking point.
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