CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Decision-Making and Problem Solving Resources
Decision-Making and Problem Solving
- DARE Decision-making Model D.A.R.E. Decision making model explanation – You Tube
- Decision Making Scenario Cards Decision-making scenarios –
- How to Develop Age-Appropriate Boundaries in Children Teaching personal boundaries –
- How to Teach Boundaries to Children through Activities Activities to reinforce personal space - EHow
- The World of Decision Making Explained Developing decision-making skills – Decision Making Confidenc
- Decision Making Models RMC Health
Many of these resources are embedded in the teacher-authored instructional units.
For content specific questions, please contact Jamie Hurley, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Principal Consultant.
Other Health Resources
- Advocacy and Self-Advocacy
- Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco
- Bullying Prevention
- Communication
- Decision-Making and Problem Solving
- Diversity and Respect
- Goal Setting
- Healthy Relationships
- Human Growth and Development
- Media Influences
- Nutrition
- Personal Management
- Refusal and Negotiating Skills
- Suicide Prevention
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