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Probability of Events - Grades 6-8
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This toolkit will address the definition of a chance event, as well as individual outcome definitions. This toolkit details a variety of chance events.
Goals and Standards
Colorado Academic Standards:
- 7.SP.C. Statistics and probability: Investigate Chance Processes and Develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
Mathematical Practice Standards
- MP4. Model with mathematics
- MP5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
Learning Goal:
- Students will be able to explain the likelihood of an outcome to a chance event as a decimal and fraction between 0 and 1, and a percentage.
- Students will be able to conclude that an outcome that is closer to 0 indicates that the event is unlikely, whereas an event closer to 1 is likely to happen.
- Students will be able to approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data using their choice of manipulatives. They could then predict outcomes for ensuing trials.
Materials List
Materials for virtual classes:
- Encourage students to gather: computer, pencil, paper.
- Provide students with the following online documents through preferred platform (Schoology, TEAMS, email, etc.) (exclude answer sheets for students):
- Pre-Assessment and Answer Key
- Probability Slideshow
- Likeliness Matching and Answer Key
- Likeliness Scenario Chart and Answer Key
- Provide website to students who are prepared to move forward toward the end of the lesson for a fun virtual game! Mr. Nussbaum’s Website
- Post-Assessment and Answer Key
Materials for in-person classes:
- Encourage students to gather: Pencils, and provide to students technology if possible!
- If technology is not possible, please provide a variety of manipulatives students could use such as a die to each student, a spinner, or a deck of cards depending on students' manipulative choice.
- Provide the same links or print-outs of links listed above.
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