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PRINT VERSION - Equivalent Expressions
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Students will be engaged in opportunities to process their thinking during dialogue with others. They will apply prior knowledge and skills to create and use multiple representations of equivalent algebraic expressions in various contexts. Students will use factoring, combining like terms, integer operations, and geometric applications during the lesson.
Students bring both understanding as well as misunderstandings into new learning opportunities. Surfacing all thoughts, both correct and incorrect,(without affirming or negating) provides an important component in the learning process. The opportunity to correct misunderstandings, replacing them with new learning and thinking supports success and mastery of current and future learning.
"Teachers should be sensitive and recognize that students come into their classrooms with misunderstandings and misconceptions. It is imperative that they work toward detecting the existing misconceptions that students may have and work purposefully to correct them. This is to avoid a situation whereby students move from one grade to another with these harmful misconceptions. Teachers should acknowledge that learners can overcome misconceptions by planning and consciously providing opportunities for learning through effective teaching strategies.”
(Ojose, Bobby. "Students' Misconceptions in Mathematics: Analysis of Remedies and What Research Says.” Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, Vol. 72, 2015, pp. 30–34, )
Place the responsibility for learning in the hands of the students, using the teacher as a facilitator, to empower students to formulate expressions and confirm their understanding. A good facilitator helps students to identify and correct misunderstandings, enabling confidence to apply their knowledge in future lessons.
Students will apply skills like factoring, combining like terms, integer operations, and geometric concepts to solve a variety of mathematical problems. They'll work both independently and in small groups to explore expressions, discuss their thought processes, and create equivalent expressions in different formats

Goals and Standards
Colorado Academic Standards:
- 7.EE.A. Expressions & Equations: Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
- 7.EE.A.1. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.
Mathematical Practice Standards:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Learning Goal:
- Be able to create and use multiple representations of equivalent algebraic expressions using factoring, combining like terms, integer operations, and geometric applications.
Materials List
- Provided Google slides
- Small white boards with supplies
- Paper and pencils
- Possible collaborative website for students
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Progression of Skills (outline)
Before the lesson:
- Students should be fluent in simplifying numerical expressions. They should also have a firm grasp on variables as numbers, including exposure to (but not mastery of) equivalent expressions with positive integers. If a student can complete the pre-assessment, they are ready for this toolkit lesson.
During this toolkit lesson:
- Focuses on identifying and generating equivalent expressions, including understanding the rules for multiplying negative numbers, distribution, factoring and combining like terms.
After the lesson:
- Students are ready to learn to solve linear equations in one variable.
Read the teacher's guides for directions for each session.
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3:
Session 4:
- Starting from the second page of the MARS Shell Center formative assessment lesson Solving Linear Equations [PDF], follow the instructions through the activity.
- The Solving Linear Equations PowerPoint can also be used. (Solving Linear Equations is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Anticipate Misconceptions:
- Distributing a common factor to the first term in the parentheses only
- Misusing operations of numbers
- Confusing order of operations (e.g., multiplication and division are applied together)
- Confusing integer operations, especially operations with negative numbers
- Correctly identifying a common factor
- Overlooking multiple equivalent expressions
- Confusion that a number next to parentheses denotes multiplication
Optional Activities:
- Review of area and perimeter of rectangles
- Desmos for review of order of operations
- Review of Fractions, Decimals and Percents
- Tax Tip Discount practice
- Error Analysis for distribution and combining like terms
Progress Monitoring:
- Listening for misconceptions during student dialogue
- Attending to the claims initially made during each task
- Asking questions to clarify thinking and correct misconceptions
- Using pre and post assessments to document mastering and identify needed clarification.
Lesson Closure and Post-Assessment
Directions for Lesson Closure:
- After each task is completed, revisit initial claims and make corrections so that all claims are accurate.
- There is a post assessment that is meant to be given after all four lessons have been completed. There are free response questions for students to type their thinking. You can give this as paper-and-pencil or as a Google form that you will need to go back and grade the free response questions.
Post-assessment and answer key:

- Area and perimeter problems: fence around a garden, painting a wall, carpeting a floor
- Consumer applications: Amazon prime day problem, discounts, tipping on a meal.

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