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Session 5 - Strategies to Add and Subtract within 20
Step 5
Post-Lesson Knowledge Check! (20 - 25 minutes):
What did the student learn?
Post-Lesson Knowledge Check Task: Post-Lesson Knowledge Check
Post-Lesson Knowledge Check: Post-Lesson Knowledge Check
Directions for Giving the Task:
- Students will complete the post-assessment to demonstrate addition and subtraction with models and number sentences.
- The students may use manipulatives (see additional supports) and place them on a printed ten-frame if they can not use a visual drawing.
- Provide the ten-frame template and objects.
- The word problems may be read aloud to ensure understanding of the question task.
Directions for Scoring & Understanding Student Responses
- Page 2 of the Post Lesson Knowledge Check. 18 points are possible.
- Give one point for demonstrating a model of 10 and one point for the correct response.
- While students are doing the post-knowledge lesson check, you will want to be watching for students making groups of 10 using a 5-group drawing or ten-frame.
- When they feel ready to share, look at their answers/responses. Use the suggestions below to help decide if they “got it” or are still struggling with this skill.
You will base your next steps on the results of how well the student has learned the skills from this toolkit.
- If a student scores below 10 points, that may indicate that they are still struggling or not completely secure in this skill yet. We recommend that you re-teach this lesson.
- If a student scores 12-14 points, that may indicate that they strongly understood this skill and they can move on to the next math skill
- If a student scores 15-18 points, that may demonstrate that they very strongly mastered this skill quickly (so they can tell you exactly what it means and how it works or they can teach it to someone else). This means they are ready for a more challenging skill - such as the real-world application suggestions included in this toolkit.
Why are students doing this/what are they getting out of it?
Based on the results of the screener you will reteach, practice, or advance to the next skill. This is commonly called differentiation.
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