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Session 5 - Division of Fractions
Collaborative Activity #2 (15 minutes)
Activity: Collaborative Activity #2
- Hand out Collaborative Activity #2
- Working independently or in groups, have students review the handwritten answers on the division of fractions worksheet.
- Students should work in their groups (or individually at first then in groups) to discuss which of the answers are correct and incorrect, and why. You may choose to create a poster for these and the students can do a gallery walk (see the Resource Bank for information on conducting a gallery walk).
Why are students doing this/what are they getting out of it?
The intention is for students to practice this concept of division of fractions and understand the common errors often associated with this task.
- a. Correct
- b. Incorrect. The student is dividing by whichever value is larger
- c. Incorrect. The student is not multiplying by reciprocal
- d. Correct. However, the student finds a common denominator and then uses the algorithm for the division of fractions. This makes the multiplication problem harder and is not needed.
- e. Incorrect. The student correctly followed the algorithm for multiplication but then performed “cross multiplication”
- f. Correct
Progress Monitoring:
As you walk around to the students working, record their solutions or statements as they work through the problems. This can be as easy as writing on a sticky note or notepad. The goal is to capture if they are understanding or struggling with the lesson and skill.
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