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School Social Work (SSW) Services

School Social Worker - School Social Worker (ages 0-21) - 7.07 (PDF)

School Social Workers are one of the few resources in schools for addressing personal and social problems that potentially inhibit a student’s ability to learn. There are nearly 10,000 school social workers in the United States today, and approximately 400 in Colorado, who realize that students who are hungry, sick, or worried about their families cannot achieve as well in school as students who do not have these concerns. School social workers, like many Americans, are concerned about the growing social problems affecting our youth – including substance abuse, teen pregnancy, HIV infection, suicide, abuse and neglect, and family violence. As a critical link between the school, the family, and the community, school social workers help make these environments more beneficial to students.

School social workers provide a range of services including:

  • Assessment and diagnosis of students for special education services;
  • Individual and/or group counseling with students experiencing mental health or social difficulties;
  • Setting up student assistance programs and providing supports for all students;
  • Crisis intervention;
  • Encouraging parent participation through phone contacts and home visits with parents who are overburdened;
  • Navigation of systems and accessing resources for students and their families; and,
  • Collaborating with teachers.

The School Psychology & Special Education Evaluation Specialist focuses their work on supporting school psychologists and school social workers in schools in Colorado. They can provide support in the areas of special education evaluation and eligibility, Response to Intervention/Multi-Tiered System of Supports, and mental health for students with disabilities. If you have questions regarding licensing, please contact the Colorado Department of Education Licensing Team directly (information below under "Resources"). If you have questions relating to private practice, please contact the Department of Regulatory Agencies (information below under "Resources").

IRIS Center On Demand Professional Development

The IRIS Center is a national center dedicated to improving education outcomes for all children, especially those with disabilities birth through age twenty-one, through the use of effective evidence-based practices and interventions.

Visit the IRIS Center

A Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado

School-Based Mental Health Professionals are crucial in providing social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health support to students and staff. The Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado offers insights into these professionals' roles, importance, and interactions with students.

View or download a copy of the Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado (PDF)

Universal Authorization / Consent for Release of Information Form

A standardized consent form for release of information (ROI) between school-based mental health/health professionals and community partners and agencies is highly recommended for AUs. The following link provides a ROI form that any AU can use. The PDF can be filled in electronically, or used as a template for creating an ROI form for your AU.

Downloadable Electronic Universal Authorization/Consent Form (PDF)

Colorado School Psychology and Social Worker Positions

National Trauma-Focused Intern Training (T-FIT) for Counseling, Psychology, Social Work and other School Mental Health Trainees

Foundations of Trauma-Informed School Mental Health and Trauma-Informed School, Classroom, and Counseling Supports Online Training from the National Center for Safe Supportive Schools

Find out more information and register for Pre-Service Training at the National Center for Safe Supportive Schools website

Resources and Information

Licensing Information

Department of Regulatory Agencies 

School Mental Health and Behavior Listserv

The School Mental Health and Behavior Listserv is a great way to receive information through periodic emails on statewide training(s), job opportunities, and mental health and/or behavior related events. If you would like to sign up for the listserv, please send your request to Caitlin Tucker,

For more information, please contact:

Krista Klabo, Ed.S  NCSP
School Psychology and Special Education Evaluation Specialist
Email Krista
(720) 284–2524

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