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School Nurse Professional Development Grant

General Information

The School Nurse Professional Development grant, funded through CDC’s COVID-19 Public Health Workforce Supplemental Funding, will support Local Education Providers in their efforts to provide professional development opportunities for Colorado school nurse staff including: 

  • School nursing professional development tuition and registration fees
  • Travel expenses to attend school nursing professional development events, including lodging, per diem, and mileage reimbursement
  • School nursing professional development speaker and/or facilitator fees
  • School nurse-related publications, such as, reference texts
  • School nursing professional dues
  • School nursing licensing renewal fees


  • Recipients of professional development funds shall hold registered nurse (RN) licensure
  • The entire professional development opportunity must be completed by June 15, 2024; therefore, this grant program will not be able to fund the 2024 National Association of School Nurse (NASN) Conference.
  • Funds may not be used to supplant funding from other federal sources, or matching on other federal awards.
  • Funding may not be used for food. 
  • This is a federal grant that requires a request for reimbursement.


Important Dates for Grantees


  • August 15, 2024 - Final date for authorized agent to submit a request for funds.  Any RFF submitted after this date will not be processed and any remaining funds after this date will be reverted.  The program end date and final date for funds to be expended was June 15, 2024.
  • September 30, 2024 FY24 Annual Financial Report (AFR) due.  A detailed General Ledger is required with expenditures from November 1, 2023 through June 15, 2024.


  • Budget workbooks - If you need to submit a budget workbook revision, please contact Anita at and submit here.
  • By the 15th of Each Month -  Monthly Reimbursement Requests, or quarterly at a minimum. Authorized agents use the competitive grant Request for Funds Form to request these federally reimbursable funds.
    • Federal Grant Code 7354; "School Nurse Workforce - Professional Development Grant"
  • Funding is awarded for November 1, 2023 - June 15, 2024. All funds must be expended by June 15, 2024. The last date to submit a Request for Funds will be August 15, 2024.  There will be no carryover of funds, so any unrequested funds after August 15th, 2024 will be reverted.

See Table of Deliverables on Exhibit A for grant deliverables.

Grant Application (for reference only - applications are closed)

Approximately $100,000 is available for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Awards will likely range from $1000 to $5000, based on the amount of funding requested and the number of applications received. In the event that funding requests exceed the amount of funding available, applicants who did not receive CDE School Nurse Workforce Grant (SNWG) funding will be prioritized.

See list of eligible applicants below.  School nurses will need to work with your organization to apply.


Eligible Applicants

Local Education Providers (LEPs) are eligible to apply for this opportunity. An eligible LEP is:

  • A School District;
  • A Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES);
  • A Charter School authorized by a School District; 
  • A Charter School authorized by the Charter School Institute;
  • Indian tribe or tribal organization (as such terms are defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act (25 U.S.C. 450b)); 
  • The Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind; or
  • A consortium of two or more such local education providers.

Applications will not be accepted from individual non-charter schools. Those schools must be included in an application submitted by their district. Only one application per LEP will be accepted (not including charter school applicants).  

Charter schools may submit a stand-alone application but must receive sign-off from their authorizer. The authorizing district or CSI will be the fiscal agent, if funded.



Applications Due:  Friday, September 29, 2023, by 11:59 PM 

Notice of Award:  Applicants will be notified of final award status no later than October 13, 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions:  View Here

Application Materials
Applications Closed 9/29/23
For Review Purposes Only

Review Application (Word)

For More Information, Contact:

Program Questions:

Anita Brodecky
School Nurse Specialist / Program Manager


Budget/Fiscal Questions:

Tricia Miller
Grants Fiscal Analyst


Application Process Questions:

Mandy Christensen
Competitive Grants and Awards
303.957.6217 |