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School Health Professional Grant Program (SHPG)
The School Health Professional Grant Program (SHPG) is designed to provide funds to eligible education providers to enhance the presence of school health professionals in K-12 schools (Behavioral Health Care Professional Matching Grant Program (§§ 22-96-101 — 22-96-105))
A “School Health Professional” (SHP) is a state-licensed or state-certified school nurse or other state-licensed or state-certified health professionals, including those issued by the Department of Regulatory Affairs (DORA)*, qualified under state law to provide support services to children and adolescents, including mental health professionals licensed pursuant to Article 245 of Title 12. For example, School Nurses, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, and School Counselors (C.R.S. 22-96-102).
*Please note that this allowance to hire under DORA does not negate the federal rules under IDEA. Check on licensing requirements specific to your Local Education Provider (LEP).
Funded Education Providers
The SHPG defined an eligible education provider as:
- A school district (on behalf of one or more K-12 schools);
- A Board of Cooperative Services (BOCES);
- A charter school (authorized by a school district or the Charter School Institute)
See the list of funded education providers
Please see the State Board of Education adopted Rules for the Administration of the School Health Professional Grant Program (CCR 301-97) (PDF) for more information.
Request for Applications (RFA) Status: CLOSED
Current Grant Cycle Runs from 2023 - 2026
Legislative Reports
According to the rules for the administration of the SHPG program, CDE shall submit to the Education Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, or any successor Committees, a report that, at a minimum, summarizes the information submitted annually by grantees (CCR 301-91(2.01)(7)). View the current and historical legislative reports below.
2022-2023 SHPG Legislative Report
Previous Legislative Reports
Professional Development Opportunities
Project AWARE November Lunch + Learn: Promoting School Safety: Integrating Prevention and School Climate Improvement Efforts
- Date: November 7, 2024
- Time: 11am-1pm
- Location: Zoom
- Register for the Lunch + Learn
- Objectives:
- Watch documentaries made by youth focused on mental health.
- Engage in discussion about challenges & successful strategies for addressing mental health for students.
- Learn about opportunities offered by Youth Documentary Academy and free resources from Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools.
Project AWARE Neuroplasticity Community of Practice Sessions
Join educators from across Colorado to discuss components of neuroplasticity and how to apply them in your local context! The Community of Practice sessions are open to all Colorado educators. Topics will vary from month to month based on participant interest. There is no requirement to attend a set number of sessions. We alternated times to accommodate more folks’ schedules. We are happy to have you when you can make it!
SHPG Funded Grantees
Update your SHPG Contact - Use this link to update your contacts for SHPG
- A Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado - School-Based Mental Health Professionals are crucial in providing social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health support to students and staff. The Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado offers insights into these professionals' roles, importance, and interactions with students. View or download a copy of the Guide to School-Based Mental Health Services and Professionals in Colorado (PDF)
- The Employment of School Mental Health Professionals in School Guidance Document (SB23-004) (PDF) - designed to assist Administrative Units in implementing Eligible School-Based Therapists. This document aims to support Eligible School-Based Therapists to work in coordination with CDE Licensed Special Service Providers and other CDE Licensed Professionals to provide supplemental support to students' social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health (Employment of School Mental Health Professionals, 2023).
- The CDC's Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being in Schools: An Action Guide for School and District Leaders (PDF) - This action guide was designed for school administrators in kindergarten through 12th grade schools (K-12), including principals and leaders of school-based student support teams, to identify evidence-based strategies, approaches, and practices that can positively influence students’ mental health.
- Per House Bill 23-1009, the Secondary School Student Substance Use Committee developed a report with a practice that secondary schools may implement to identify students who need substance use treatment, as well as interventions, resources, and referrals. Click here to learn more about the report.
- Contacts:
- For evaluation questions, Contact Amy Plog
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Colorado
- Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) in Colorado - SBIRT is an evidence-based prevention and early intervention practice that helps identify, prevent and reduce unhealthy alcohol and other substance use in adults and adolescents.
Archived Cohorts
For more information, please contact:
Phyllis Reed, Director of Health Education Services
Health Education Services
Email Phyllis
Kristi Elliott, Health Education Services Supervisor - Behavioral Health Grants
Health Education Services
Email Kristi
Stephanie Bernard, Behavioral Health Grants Senior Consultant
Health Education Services
Email Stephanie
Liz Schroeder, Health Education Services Grant Consultant
Health Education Services
Email Liz
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