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Opportunities for Educators and Students

Colorado has many stellar educators and students who have participated and been awarded many of the opportunities listed below. These awards and recognitions occur annually with specific application windows, so refer to each award for more information. Other opportunities occur randomly and can be added to the announcements section of the science main page.
Awards For Educators
National Association of Biology Teachers Awards
Various awards offered to educators and schools around biology education.
NSTA Awards and Recognitions
Various awards and recognitions for educators and classrooms.
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST)
Awards are given for "exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth Sciences at the pre-college level." Any teacher or other K-12 educator who covers a significant amount of earth science content with their students is eligible. Ten national finalists are selected, one from each NAGT regional section. Some sections also recognize state winners.
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST)
The nation's highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science (including computer science). Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education.
Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring PAESMEM
Honors U.S. citizens or permanent residents and U.S. organizations that have demonstrated excellence in mentoring individuals from groups that are underrepresented in STEM education and workforce. Individuals and organizations in all public and private sectors are eligible including industry, academia, primary and secondary education, military and government, non-profit organizations, and foundations. Nominations are encouraged from all geographical regions in the U.S., its territories or possessions, particularly jurisdictions designated by Congress under NSF's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR).
Shell Science Teaching Award
A partnership between Shell Oil Company and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), this award recognizes one outstanding classroom teacher (grades K–12) who has had a positive impact on his or her students, school, and the community through exemplary science teaching. Special projects may be mentioned but should not be the main focus of the candidate’s application
Shell Science Lab Challenge
Are you succeeding in science lab instruction with minimal equipment? The Shell Science Lab Challenge gives you an opportunity to share your exemplary approach for a chance to win a school science lab makeover support package valued at $20,000!
On-Going Grants
NSTA Grants and Fellowships
View grant opportunities searching and using filtering options
NEA Foundation Learning & Leadership Grants
Sponsor: National Education Association Foundation
Award: $2,000 or $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Feb. 1, June 1 and Oct. 15 of each year
Saxena Family Foundation STEM Grants
Sponsor: Saxena Family Foundation
Award: $5,000 to $50,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Applications accepted year-round
TAF Project-Based Learning Grants for Grades 6–12
Sponsor: Toshiba America Foundation
Award: Two categories: Up to $5,000 and more than $5,000
Number of Awards: Not specified
Application Deadline: Up to $5,000 awarded on a rolling basis; Feb. 1 deadline for applications for more than $5,000
American Chemical Society
Various funding opportunities to support chemistry educators. Be sure to use the filtering options on the left.
Adopt a Classroom
Deadline: Ongoing
Brinker International Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Brown Rudnick Community Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Corning Foundation Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Deadline: Ongoing
Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Award: No more than 10 percent of an organization's annual operating expenses or 25 percent of the total budget for the project being funded; awards have ranged from the hundreds to the millions of dollars.
Number of Awards: Varies
Qualification: Project should "directly serve or impact children living in urban poverty, particularly in the areas of education, family economic stability (including microfinance) and childhood health."
Naiku Innovative Teacher Grant
Deadline: Ongoing (approx. 10 awards per month)
Sony Grants for Education
Deadline: Ongoing (grants awarded on a rolling basis)
For additional funding options for educators, please access the STEM Funding Opportunities page here.
For Students
Colorado Science and Engineering Fair
The Colorado State Science Fair honors excellence in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Annual environmental competition for students.
Regeneron Science Talent Search
The nation’s most prestigious pre-college science competition. Each year, 300 Intel STS semifinalists and their schools are recognized. From that select pool of semifinalists, 40 student finalists are invited to Washington, DC in March to participate in final judging, display their work to the public, meet with notable scientists, and compete for awards, including three top awards of $150,000.
Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair
For high school students only, who must first qualify at an affiliated fair. Top prize is a $50,000 scholarship.
International BioGENEius Challenge
For high school students only; recognizes outstanding research in biotechnology. Process is state, national, international; hosted by the Biotechnology Institute. Top prize is a $7,500 cash award.
Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS)
A competition for high school students only. Regional winners proceed to a national competition.
National Youth Science Camp
The National Youth Science Camp is a residential science education program for young scientists the summer after they graduate from high school. Students from around the country are challenged academically in exciting lectures and hands-on studies, and have voluntary opportunities to participate in an outdoor adventure program, gain a new and deep appreciation for the great outdoors, and establish friendships that last a lifetime.
NSTA’s Angela Award
This award honors one female student in grades 5–8, who is involved in or has a strong connection to science. The award has been established in honor of Gerry Wheeler, Executive Director Emeritus, and his outstanding dedication to NSTA and lifelong commitment to science education.
Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology
A competition for high school students. Top prize is a $100,000 scholarship.
For additional STEM resources for educators, students, and community members, see the STEM Resources page here.
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