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Colorado Academic Standards: Computer Science Resource Bank

Overview: CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development as directed by H.B. 17-1884, Modern Technology Education in Public Schools.

Questions? Please contact Pam Lewis with any questions.


"Bootstrap crafts research-based curricular modules for grades 6-12. Our materials reinforce core concepts from mainstream subjects like Math, Physics and more, enabling non-CS teachers to adopt our introductory materials while delivering rigorous and engaging computing content drawn from CS classes at universities like Brown, WPI, and Northeastern.

Our Algebra class can be integrated into a standalone CS or mainstream math class, and aligns with national and state math standards. And since every child takes algebra - regardless of gender or background - Bootstrap is one of the largest providers of formal CS education to girls and underrepresented students nationwide.

Our other modules model physics, data science, and sophisticated interactive programs, and can be integrated into Social Studies, Science, Math, Intro and even AP CS Principles courses. Teachers can mix-and-match content across various modules to fit their needs.

By leveraging the existing networks of Math, Social Studies, and Physics teachers, nationwide, Bootstrap is built to scale. We work with school districts across the country, reaching hundreds of teachers and thousands of students each year. Most of our teachers have also attended a Bootstrap Workshop, where they received specialized training to deliver the class."

Type of Resource:

  • Curriculum


  • Computing Systems and Networks
  • Creativity
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data Structures
  • Ethics
  • Computer Programming
  • Sequence
  • Variables


Free Resource!


PD Resource

Professional Development

3-day PD workshops are available for school and school districts; fees determined on a case by case basis though commonly $15/teacher/hour (including food and materials). Online office hours, teacher discussion forums, teacher-PD videos, grading rubrics, supplemental homework assignments, and solutions to every activity are available. Classroom visits and live support are also available to partnering school districts.

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