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Colorado Academic Standards: Computer Science Resource Bank

Overview: CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development as directed by H.B. 17-1884, Modern Technology Education in Public Schools.

Questions? Please contact Pam Lewis with any questions.

Note: If you are unable to access any portion of this resource bank, please contact Pam Lewis, 720-576-4622.

Black Boys Code

"Black Boys Code is a Not-for-Profit organization dedicated to introducing young boys of colour in their critical development years (ages 8 to 17) to computer science through one-day and two-day workshops, Hackathons, after school and summer programs. Our programs are aimed at boys of a young age to build capacity and skills in the field of computer technology. We utilize mentorship, industry exposure, and intensive training in the field of computer science to help the boys understand they have the ability to become technological innovators and creators of their own futures."

Type of Resource:

  • Organization or Association



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