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Overview: CDE's Computer Science Resource Bank contains a variety of materials for computer science educators, including standards, curricula, and materials for professional educator development as directed by H.B. 17-1884, Modern Technology Education in Public Schools.
Mobile CSP
Mobile CSP is an openly licensed, NSF-funded AP CSP curricula which supports evidenced-based teacher professional development. It was designed to promote informal education projects. Target audience: grade 5-12 students and any other person who wants to use our openly licensed materials. Mission: Curriculum development, teacher professional development and mentoring, informal education, advocacy and active recruiting. Mobile CSP, supported by NSF grants to Trinity College (CNS-1240841) and The College of St. Scholastica (CNS-1440497), is a College Board endorsed AP Computer Science Principles curriculum. It has been classroom tested for five years and has been found to be engaging for students of all ages and abilities because of its programming language App Inventor. App Inventor is a visual blocks-based language that is used to develop native applications for the Android devices. Mobile CSP provides full training for teachers, continuous updates on the materials based on teacher feedback, and works with The College of St. Scholastica’s School of Education to give teachers evidence-based professional development with the option to gain graduate credits. Mobile CSP has been adapted to support many student-centered activities such as the Technovation Challenge, the Congressional App Challenge, and the Verizon App Challenge. Mobile CSP also hosts the Mobile Apps for Hartford project which is a summer internship program to support Mobile CSP students to build Mobile apps for local non-profit organizations. The curriculum has been adapted and used in schools with students in grades 5-12, colleges, after-school activities and in summer school. Through these activities, it has provided professional development to members of CT-CSTA who have been provided opportunities as master teachers and workshop organizers. In the 2015-2016, Mobile CSP ran hybrid face-to-face cohorts in nine states and online professional development with robust support.
Type of Resource:
- Curriculum
- Apps
- Computer Programming
- Computing Systems and Networks
- Creativity
- Data Structures
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A variety of Mobile CSP courses exist online and in summer institutes.
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