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Social/Emotional/Behavioral Resources

SED/SEL/Behavior and COVID Resources

Our team has collected resources and tools specific to SED, SEL, behavior, and mental health that may be useful during this time as you plan for students.

The following resources are offered for consideration. This list does not comprehensively cover all possible resources. The listed resources are provided for information only. The Colorado Department of Education does not endorse, represent, or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content, services, or other materials provided by these educational service providers. Any reliance upon any information, content, materials, products, services, or vendors included on or found through this listing shall be at the discretion of the user.

Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Special Education for Students with Serious Emotional Disability

CDE Topic Pages

CDE SED Wikispaces

The Colorado Department of Education, with the help of the 2015 Serious Emotional Disability (SED) Taskforce, created a wikispace with various tools for collecting data, action planning, and measuring fidelity of and for behavior interventions, including Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs).  This site allows for exploration of behavior tools: CDE Behavior Tools (Wikispaces).

Crisis Management

Picture: Colorado Crisis Services Logo  1-844-493-TALK (8255)

Colorado Crisis Services

CRISIS LINE: 1-844-493-TALK (8255) is a 24/7/365 support line for anyone affected by a mental health, substance use or emotional crisis. All calls are connected to a mental health professional, who will provide immediate support and connections to further resources. WALK-IN CRISIS SERVICES/ STABILIZATION UNITS: Our walk-in crisis services are open 24/7, and offer confidential, in-person crisis support, information and referrals to anyone in need. If you need in-person assistance, or are helping others with a crisis, you can always visit a walk-in crisis services location near you. Some locations provide crisis beds for 1-5 days, for either voluntary or involuntary treatment. View the map to find the locations nearest you.

Topic Briefs

Mental Health


Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and SLD

Mindfulness Resources

Executive Function

For more information, please contact:

Bill Brown
Phone: (720) 603-6000
Email Bill Brown

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