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Social/Emotional/Behavioral Trainings
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Trainings by Topic
Affective Needs Conference - A Comprehensive and Compassionate Approach for Addressing Problem Behavior 2-Day Workshop
Save the date for this two-day in-person event will be held in Colorado Springs on January 16 & 17, 2025.
More information to come!
CDEBH Affective Needs Conference
Information coming soon!
On-Demand Webinars (for Credit)
All of the On-Demand Webinars listed below use the same registration form. Register for any or all SED/Behavior On-Demand Webinars
Building Skills for Social-Emotional Wellness During Transitions In and Out of In-Person Learning
The uncertainty and shifts between in-person and remote learning, including managing quarantines and closures, leads to anxiety, anticipatory grief, and sets the stage for the pre-condition of trauma. This video will focus on the importance of self-care in reducing anxiety levels and building resiliency, allowing for higher quality engagement between teachers, children, and families during transitions. Additionally, this video will provide suggestions for a coaching model to collaboratively bring the family into the education process and create a sense of belonging for children and families amongst transitions between educational learning contexts. 1.25 CDE contact hours.
Closing the SEL Gap
During this webinar, participants will gain an understanding of how to assess for missing social skills. Participants will learn how to break down large social skills into smaller skill sets that can be directly taught and measured. This process will result in the development of individualized social skill planning that can be used to generate IEP goal interventions and MTSS/RtI/PBIS plan goal interventions. Information will also be shared on how and where social skills training fits into the FBA and BIP process. 1.0 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Direct Behavior Rating
This video will provide an overview of Direct Behavior Rating (DBR), specifically with a focus on the use of this process for behavioral data collection in remote learning for students with existing IEP behavioral goals. The process of DBR will be discussed in a step-by-step format and the applications for remote learning will be addressed. The video will also address goal setting and progress monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the plans already in place. Viewers will be able to identify options for DBR as a behavioral data tracking tool. 0.5 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Discerning Social Maladjustment in Evaluations for Serious Emotional Disability (SED)
The Colorado Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Unit has provided a recording of a live webinar on discerning social maladjustments from Serious Emotional Disability (SED) when evaluating eligibility for SED, recorded in December 2016.
This webinar recording provides information on commonly understood definitions of social maladjustment, common characteristics of social maladjustment, an approach to determining whether a student qualifies for an SED when social maladjustment is present, and intervention resources. 1.0 CDE contact hours, requires completion of a knowledge check. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Grief & Anxiety
During this time of COVD19, the potential for anticipatory grief is high. This Webinar will explore anticipatory grief in the context of the Grief and Growth Cycle. The Grief Cycle's relationship to resiliency and coping strategies will be explored, providing action steps that can be taken to support the journey through the grief cycle. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
Positive Discipline or Positive Behavioral Supports
This webinar will present an overview of using positive discipline in the school setting. This learning opportunity will focus on how to reclaim "discipline" as preventative, positive, and instructional. This will include methods for teams to address positive discipline within a systems framework. 1.5 CDE contact hours, requires completion of a knowledge check. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Remote Learning Instructional Strategies
This video addresses instructional strategies and supports that can be implemented in the home setting for remote learning. Multiple options for both proactive and responsive strategies are shared as suggestions for application across grade levels. Examples of the challenges addressed include difficulty focusing or understanding assignment prompts and the impact of social isolation on functioning. Throughout the video, ideas for families to prevent or remedy these challenges are addressed. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
SED Eligibility
The purpose of this webinar is to assist multi-disciplinary teams, including families, in the application of best practices while using the new disability criteria for identifying students with a Serious Emotional Disability (SED). 0.5 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
SED Quality Indicators
Serious Emotional Disability Quality Indicators offer guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programming and services for students with SED. The QIs cannot be interpreted as policy or regulation but as a tool designed to assist those who educate and provide services to students with a SED or those evaluating these programs. The QI will provide baseline data that can be used to action plan and, in turn, monitor the improvement of programming. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
SED Quality Indicator Tool
The QIs are a tool designed to assist those who educate and provide services to students with an SED or those evaluating these programs. This document was designed with multiple purposes in mind. A team may use it as a self-assessment or teams can use this tool to help build or create a new program or system for students with an SED. Building teams or administrators may use it to determine programming, resources, and professional development needs. Educational leaders (superintendents, special education directors, behavior team members, etc.) to determine if systems are in place to support high-quality educational programming. 0.5 CDE credit hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Districts/Schools that would like assistance with the implementation of the SED Quality Indicator tool should email Bill Brown.
Social Emotional Learning
Social skills training and support for students with social/emotional/behavioral challenges. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
Mental Health 101
This webinar will cover internalizing and externalizing behaviors that might be associated with mental health struggles. The DSM5 will be explored looking at the different mental health disorders. The difference between HIPAA and FERPA will be shared related to confidentiality. The webinar will wrap up with taking a look at school-based mental health services. 1.0 CDE Contact Hours
The live trainings in this section can be provided by request to a school, district, or BOCES. Simply send an email to Bill Brown, to schedule a training fine-tuned to your organization's needs. CDE contact hours are available.
Behavior Trainings
Alternatives to Suspensions 3-4 hour training where participants will: Behavior Interventions Within the Home Environment 3-hour training where participants will learn how to incorporate positive behavior intervention supports within the home environment, helping families to create routines and schedules. Behavioral Tool Box 3-hour training where participants will learn a variety of different behavior intervention strategies such as errorless learning, mix and vary, when/then, precision request sequence and strategies for perfectionism, learned helplessness, development, and select mutism, among others. Data Collection and Analysis 6-hour training where participants will learn: Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans 6-hour training where participants will be able to: SED Quality Indicators Behavior Systems Domain 6-hour training where participants will learn about FBA and BIP through the lens of the SED Quality Indicators. The SED Behavior Domain includes the following areas:
Severe Emotional Disability Trainings
Emotional Disabilities, Supporting Students with Mental Health Needs
4-6 hour training where participants will:
- Learn about the role of the mental health provider within school systems.
- Internalizing behaviors and externalizing behaviors.
- Attachment, personality, and temperament.
- Developmental stages.
- Social-emotional assessments.
- SED IEP criteria.
Family Engagement Training
3-hour training where participants will learn about the SED Quality Indicators Family and Community Domain. The Family and community domain focuses on actively engaging families of students who struggle with Serious Emotional Disability engage in regular, two-way, meaningful communication about student learning. The SED Quality Indicators also focus on connecting families to community resources. Participants will:
- learn about communication with families,
- how to have difficult Conversations,
- helping families with home SEL skills and
- home behavioral skills.
How to set up and AN Program
6-hour training where participants will learn:
- About the SED Quality Indicator Tool for Serious Emotional Disability (SED) programming and how this tool can be helpful with action planning for program development.
- AN program components.
- Alternative discipline.
- Establishing a continuum of interventions and supports.
- Environment strategies.
IEP Qualification Criteria for Serious Emotional Disability
1-3 hour training where participants will:
- Understand and know the body of evidence required when considering eligibility for SED.
- Have an understanding of how to distinguish between an emotional disability and social maladjustment and factors to consider with co-morbidity.
SEL and Mental Health Literacy
1-3 hour training where participants will learn:
SEL does not encompass major mental health conditions, although SEL programs can definitely provide strong support for students with diagnosed psychiatric conditions. Students with mental health needs (and all students, for that matter) can greatly benefit from SEL programming, but it may not necessarily be a sufficient condition to meet the specific individual needs of students struggling with mental health conditions.
Serious Emotional Disability Quality Indicator Tool
1-3 hour training where participants will:
- Be introduced to the CDE Quality Indicator Tool for Serious Emotional Disability (SED) programming.
- Identify the need for improved programming for students with SED.
- Learn how to use the tool to action plan and/or evaluate programming.
The Manifestation Determination Process
1-hour training where participants will:
Gain an understanding of the manifestation determination process that is needed when a decision is made to affect a disciplinary change in placement for a student with a disability who violated a code of student conduct.
Social-Emotional Learning Trainings
Closing the SEL Gap through Individualized Social Skill Lessons
3-hour training where participants will:
- Gain an understanding of how to assess for missing social skills.
- Gain an understanding of how to develop an individual social skills lesson once missing skills have been identified.
- Gain an understanding of how social skills instruction fits into the FBA and BIP process.
DBT: Emotional Regulation and Distress Tolerance
6-hour training where participants will learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and its four components:
- Mindfulness
- Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Distress Tolerance
- Emotion Regulation
Emotional Coaching
1-3 hour training where participants will learn about:
- Allowing emotional expression.
- Recognizing emotions.
- Creating security through reducing anxiety.
- Coping strategies vs coping mechanisms.
- Conflict resolution.
Grief, Anxiety, and Trauma
1-3 hour training where participants will learn about:
- Grief and growth cycle.
- Coping mechanisms vs coping strategies.
- Anticipatory grief.
- Preconditions for trauma.
Preschool Social Emotional Learning
6-hour training where participants will learn:
- Social-emotional standards.
- Stages of play.
- Attachment, personality, and temperament.
- Needs vs wants.
- Co-regulations.
8-hour training. “Grief is the healing process of a significant loss, not a pathological reaction. After you have been dealt a blow, you need time to recover.”
Participants will learn about:
- The grief and growth cycle.
- Stress, including anticipatory grief.
- Recovery and crisis recovery.
- Trauma and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Theory).
Self-Regulation and Co-Regulation
1-3 hour training where participants will learn:
- Recognition of overstressed child.
- Identification of stressors.
- Reduction of stressors.
- Increase child's self-awareness.
- Teach self-regulation strategies.
Social Awareness
1-3 hour training. The ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.
Participants will:
- Build a deeper understanding of social awareness.
- Identify at least one specific strategy or intervention they could try in the classroom to support social awareness.
- Identify the role a teacher can play in helping students develop social awareness.
Social-Emotional Learning
6-hour training. Social-emotional skills are critical for students’ learning, their readiness for college and careers, and their future success. Both research and evidence-based practice clearly show the strong connection between social and emotional development, academic learning, and success in life (Domitrovich, Dusenbury & Hyson, 2013).
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Synthesize and analyze learning to implement SEL interventions through the SED Quality Indicators in the classroom/school environment.
Social-Emotional Learning within MTSS
3-hour training where participants will learn how and where SEL fits into MTSS/PBIS.
- Tier 1: integrated curriculum and school culture/climate.
- Tier 2: intensive classroom and small group instruction.
- Tier 3: individualized social skill instruction.
Social Skills training
1-3 hour training. Participants will learn about:
- Emotional skills: showing empathy, cultural awareness, and appreciation.
- Social/interpersonal: modeling coping skills and appropriate responses to anger, anxiety, or sensitivity.
- Cognitive regulation: changing a lesson when it is not working, avoiding anger and sarcasm when it is aimed at the teacher, adjusting work based on the needs of the class.
Trauma-Informed Practices
6-hour training where participants will learn:
- Background knowledge on the different types of trauma.
- Review the core features of trauma-responsive practices.
- Knowledge of what can be done at school to help a traumatized child.
- Strategies for emotional and behavioral crises.
SED Quality Indicator Videos
This series of 21 videos offers guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programming and services for students with SED. The QI will provide baseline data that can be used to action plan and, in turn, monitor the improvement of programming. The Quality Indicators cannot be interpreted as policy or regulation but as a tool designed to assist those who educate and provide services to students with SED or those evaluating these programs.
SED Quality Indicator Video Page
Workshop: Transforming Disability Identification through Culturally Responsive Approaches
Featuring: Janine Jones, Ph.D.
The workshop held on June 18, 2015, focused on the problem of disproportionality and the over-representation of students of color identified for special education under the category of Emotional Disturbance.
Social/Emotional/Behavior Office Hour Recordings
Bill Brown hosted monthly office hours during the 2023-2024 school year.
Topics covered are:
- Elopement
- Perfectionism
- Selective Mutism
- Learned Helplessness
View the Social/Emotional/Behavior Office Hours
Serious Emotional Disability
SED On-Demand Webinars
Discerning Social Maladjustment in Evaluations for Serious Emotional Disability (SED)
The Colorado Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Unit has provided a recording of a live webinar on discerning social maladjustments from Serious Emotional Disability (SED) when evaluating eligibility for SED, recorded in December 2016.
This webinar recording provides information on commonly understood definitions of social maladjustment, common characteristics of social maladjustment, an approach to determining whether a student qualifies for an SED when social maladjustment is present, and intervention resources. 1.0 CDE contact hours, requires completion of a knowledge check. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
SED Eligibility
The purpose of this webinar is to assist multi-disciplinary teams, including families, in the application of best practices while using the new disability criteria for identifying students with a Serious Emotional Disability (SED). 0.5 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
SED Quality Indicator Tool
The QIs are a tool designed to assist those who educate and provide services to students with an SED or those evaluating these programs. This document was designed with multiple purposes in mind. A team may use it as a self-assessment or teams can use this tool to help build or create a new program or system for students with an SED. Building teams or administrators may use it to determine programming, resources, and professional development needs. Educational leaders (superintendents, special education directors, behavior team members, etc.) to determine if systems are in place to support high-quality educational programming. 0.5 CDE credit hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Districts/Schools that would like assistance with the implementation of the SED Quality Indicator tool should email Bill Brown.
SED Quality Indicators
Serious Emotional Disability Quality Indicators offer guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programming and services for students with SED. The QIs cannot be interpreted as policy or regulation but as a tool designed to assist those who educate and provide services to students with a SED or those evaluating these programs. The QI will provide baseline data that can be used to action plan and, in turn, monitor the improvement of programming. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
Working with Paraeducators
Coming soon!
SED Specially Designed Instruction
Coming soon!
SED Online Classes
Manifestation Determination Review
In this course participants will:
- learn how to conduct the Manifestation Determination Review process.
- learn what questions needs to be asked in the Manifestation Determination process and the possible outcomes of the Manifestation Determination Review.
- learn about how Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans fit into the Manifestation Determination Review Process.
Participants who complete this course will receive a CDE certificate for 2 hours.
Protection of Individuals from Restraint and Seclusion Act (PPRA)
The Colorado Department of Education has available a self-guided, self-paced Moodle course on Protection of Individuals from Restraint and Seclusion Act (PPRA) Regulations. This course covers the Restraint and Seclusion regulations (PPRA) and will also share the changes to PPRA from House Bill 22-1376.
SED By Request Trainings
How to set up and Affective Needs Program
6-hour training where participants will learn:
- About the SED Quality Indicator Tool for Serious Emotional Disability (SED) programming and how this tool can be helpful with action planning for program development.
- AN program components.
- Alternative discipline.
- Establishing a continuum of interventions and supports.
- Environment strategies.
IEP Qualification Criteria for Serious Emotional Disability
1-3 hour training where participants will:
- Understand and know the body of evidence required when considering eligibility for SED.
- Have an understanding of how to distinguish between an emotional disability and social maladjustment and factors to consider with co-morbidity.
Serious Emotional Disability Quality Indicator Tool
1-3 hour training where participants will:
- Be introduced to the CDE Quality Indicator Tool for Serious Emotional Disability (SED) programming.
- Identify the need for improved programming for students with SED.
- Learn how to use the tool to action plan and/or evaluate programming.
The Manifestation Determination Process
1-hour training where participants will:
Gain an understanding of the manifestation determination process that is needed when a decision is made to affect a disciplinary change in placement for a student with a disability who violated a code of student conduct.
8-hour training. “Grief is the healing process of a significant loss, not a pathological reaction. After you have been dealt a blow, you need time to recover.”
Participants will learn about:
- The grief and growth cycle.
- Stress, including anticipatory grief.
- Recovery and crisis recovery.
- Trauma and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Theory).
Additional By Request SED Trainings Under development
Listed below are the additional by request trainings that will be released during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Protection of Individuals from Restraint and Seclusion Act (PPRA)
- Serious Emotional Disability vs Social Maladjustment with Interventions
Behavior On-Demand Webinars
Direct Behavior Rating
This video will provide an overview of Direct Behavior Rating (DBR), specifically with a focus on the use of this process for behavioral data collection in remote learning for students with existing IEP behavioral goals. The process of DBR will be discussed in a step-by-step format and the applications for remote learning will be addressed. The video will also address goal setting and progress monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of the plans already in place. Viewers will be able to identify options for DBR as a behavioral data tracking tool. 0.5 CDE contact hours, completion of knowledge check required. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Positive Discipline or Positive Behavioral Supports
This webinar will present an overview of using positive discipline in the school setting. This learning opportunity will focus on how to reclaim "discipline" as preventative, positive, and instructional. This will include methods for teams to address positive discipline within a systems framework. 1.5 CDE contact hours, requires completion of a knowledge check. This training satisfies the Special Education and Behavioral Health licensure renewal requirements.
Additional On-Demand Behavior Trainings Under development
Listed below are the additional behavior trainings that will be released during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Attention Seeking Behaviors
- Behavior 101
- Behavior and Mental health
- Behavior Intervention Plan Basics
- Elopement
- Escape and Avoidance
- Home Behavioral Interventions
- Learned Helplessness
- Level Systems
- Lying Behavior
- Mental Health Behavior Intervention Plan
- Perfectionism
- Positive Reinforcement
- Trauma and Behavior
- Traumatic Brain Injury and Behavior
- Restorative Practices
- Stealing Behavior
Behavior Online Classes
Introduction to Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
This 8-week online course, offered in both fall and spring semesters, is intended for school and district-level teams. The purpose of the course is to support the team in developing a functional behavioral Assessment (FBA) that accurately identifies a student’s function of behavior in order to develop more effective Behavior Intervention Plans. Team-based approaches to completing such activities are always best practice and in the best interest of the student, school, and family. By the end of the course, participating teams will be able to successfully complete Basic Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP). The course provides a foundation for understanding FBAs and provides an opportunity for practice in the completion of FBAs and BIPs. Support from instructors will be given in the form of a discussion board with no face-to-face opportunities provided. Up to 30 CDE contact hours are available. These clock hours can be used towards the special education and behavioral health licensure renewal requirements.
- Each team member must complete an individual registration form and list 2 to 5 school- or district-level team members, including a special education teacher and a mental health staff. ALL team members must register individually.
- Have access to students in a school setting, and approval from administrators to complete an FBA/BIP case study on students.
- Commit to completing weekly reading, assignments, online discussions, as well as a case study in a school setting.
Date(s): To be announced
Registration: Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is not open at this time.
Advanced Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
This online course will present an in-depth look into Advanced Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) building skills to work with complex and serious student needs. This course focuses on training a “team lead” and contains information on how to complete each portion of the process. This course utilizes the current Colorado Department of Education Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan format to guide the process. If your school district or administrative unit does not utilize this format, then the information given should help you in your understanding of leading the FBA and BIP process. The course provides an opportunity for participants to practice completion of FBAs and BIPs.
The goal of the FBA is to determine the function of the problem behavior to develop more effective interventions and Behavior Intervention Plans. Individuals taking this course are expected to work with a school-based team even though the team is not enrolled in this course. Team-based approaches to completing such activities are always best practice and in the best interest of the student, school, and family. This course is intended to give each participant practical information, applied knowledge, and real experiences at all stages of the FBA and BIP development, including data collection, and behavior support planning so that each participant can learn the necessary skills to function both independently and as an effective member of a team. Therefore, the minimal requirement for this course is that each participant be assigned to a school site, so they have access to staff and students to practice these learned skills
Date(s): To be announced
Registration: Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is not open at this time.
Behavior By Request Trainings
Alternatives to Suspensions
3-4 hour training where participants will:
- Learn about what research says about suspensions and expulsion.
- Explore creative alternatives.
- Identify important prerequisites.
- Learn about trauma and student discipline.
Behavioral Toolbox
3-hour training where participants will learn a variety of different behavior intervention strategies such as errorless learning, mix and vary, when/then, precision request sequence and strategies for perfectionism, learned helplessness, development, and select mutism, among others.
Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans
6-hour training where participants will be able to:
- Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to identify students' strengths and needs.
- Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) that integrates social-emotional learning and is based on the strengths and needs identified in the FBA.
Additional By Request Behavior Trainings Under development
Listed below are the additional by request trainings that will be released during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Introduction to Restorative Practices
- Behavior De-escalation (Crisis Intervention)
- Behavior Compliance
- Crisis and Stress Behavior
- FBA and BIP for Administrators
- Data Collection, Progress Monitoring, and Goal Writing
- Self-Sabotaging Behaviors
Mental Health
Mental Health On-Demand Webinars
Grief & Anxiety
During this time of COVD19, the potential for anticipatory grief is high. This Webinar will explore anticipatory grief in the context of the Grief and Growth Cycle. The Grief Cycle's relationship to resiliency and coping strategies will be explored, providing action steps that can be taken to support the journey through the grief cycle. 0.5 CDE contact hours.
This webinar will cover internalizing and externalizing behaviors that might be associated with mental health struggles. The DSM5 will be explored looking at the different mental health disorders. The difference between HIPAA and FERPA will be shared related to confidentiality. The webinar will wrap up with taking a look at school-based mental health services. 1.0 CDE Contact Hours.
Additional Mental Health On-Demand Webinars
The following on-demand webinars will be available during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Brief Solution Focused Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral theory
- Dialectical Behavioral theory
- Educational Counseling vs Clinical Counseling
- Mindfulness
- Motivational Interviewing
- Narrative therapy
- Selective Mutism
- Trauma-Informed practices
Mental Health Online Classes
We are not currently offering online classes regarding mental health.
Mental Health By Request Trainings
Emotional Disabilities, Supporting Students with Mental Health Needs
4-6 hour training where participants will:
- Learn about the role of the mental health provider within school systems.
- Internalizing behaviors and externalizing behaviors.
- Attachment, personality, and temperament.
- Developmental stages.
- Social-emotional assessments.
- SED IEP criteria.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health Literacy
1-3 hour training where participants will learn:
SEL does not encompass major mental health conditions, although SEL programs can definitely provide strong support for students with diagnosed psychiatric conditions. Students with mental health needs (and all students, for that matter) can greatly benefit from SEL programming, but it may not necessarily be a sufficient condition to meet the specific individual needs of students struggling with mental health conditions.
DBT: Emotional Regulation and Distress Tolerance
6-hour training where participants will learn about Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and its four components:
- Mindfulness
- Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Distress Tolerance
- Emotion Regulation
Emotional Coaching
1-3 hour training where participants will learn about:
- Allowing emotional expression.
- Recognizing emotions.
- Creating security through reducing anxiety.
- Coping strategies vs coping mechanisms.
- Conflict resolution.
Grief, Anxiety, and Trauma
1-3 hour training where participants will learn about:
- Grief and growth cycle.
- Coping mechanisms vs coping strategies.
- Anticipatory grief.
- Preconditions for trauma.
Trauma-Informed Practices
6-hour training where participants will learn:
- Background knowledge on the different types of trauma.
- Review the core features of trauma-responsive practices.
- Knowledge of what can be done at school to help a traumatized child.
- Strategies for emotional and behavioral crises.
Additional By Request Mental Health Trainings Under development
Listed below are the additional by request trainings that will be released during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Brief Solution Focused therapy
- Conducting Groups
- Play Therapy
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) or Affective Needs (AN)
SEL/AN On-Demand Webinars
SEL/AN Online Classes
SEL/AN By Request Trainings
Early Childhood
Early Childhood On-Demand Webinars
Early Childhood Online Classes
Early Childhood By Request Trainings
Working with Families
Working with Families On-Demand Webinars
Working with Families Online Classes
Working with Families By Request Trainings
For more information, please contact:
Bill Brown
Phone: (720) 603-3000
Email Bill Brown
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If you have problems with broken links or accessing the content on this page, please contact the Exceptional Student Services Unit at ESSU@cde.state.co.us. Please copy the URL link for this page into the email when referencing the problem you are experiencing.
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