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Contract for Meals

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All food service management companies and meal vendors are required to formally register with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) School Nutrition Unit to be eligible to enter into contracts for the service of USDA Child Nutrition Programs.

Sponsors of Child Nutrition Programs may only solicit proposals from Food Service Management Companies (FSMC) or meal vendors registered with the CDE School Nutrition Unit. The link below provides an overview of FSMC and vended meal contracts, as well as the solicitation templates that are required for each type of contract.

FSMC and Meal Vendor Overview

Food Service Management (FSMC) Contracts

In a fixed fee or cost-reimbursable contract, the FSMC manages any aspect of the Child Nutrition Program(s), including but not limited to staffing, menu planning, ordering, preparing and serving meals, budgeting, etc. There are some duties that the Sponsor may not delegate to the FSMC, which the Sponsor must still complete.

Vended Meal Contracts

In a fixed fee vended meals contract, the meal vendor provides the meals only (prepackaged, pre-plated, or bulk/family-style) and does not manage any other aspect of the Child Nutrition Programs. However, if the contractor's employees are responsible for final preparation and/or serving of prepackaged, pre-plated meals, the additional services are included in the fixed fee bid and may not be charged separately.

Vendor Registration

Companies that wish to receive vended meals or food service management solicitations may register with CDE School Nutrition using the Annual Vendor and FSMC Registration online form below.

Please note that a signed copy of the Non-Delegable Duties, Suspension and Debarment, and Anti-Lobbying Certification forms must be attached in the online form (linked below).

Register A Vendor Now

Required Vendor Registration Documents:

For additional information on Meal Vendor and FSMC registration, review this 6 minute video Food Service Management Companies and Meal Vendors.

Additional Resources:

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