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Colorado Model Bullying Prevention and Education Policy

Policy Folder

2025 Model Policy Revisions

The application window to be a member of the Model Policy Revision Committee is now closed. Thank you to all who applied!


The Colorado Legislature passed Jack and Cait’s Law (HB 21-1221) and it was signed into law on June 7, 2021. The law, in part, requires CDE to utilize a "stakeholder process" when updating the Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Model Policy (Model Policy; SB 18-151) and that this process must include participation by the parents of students who have been bullied.

The CDE is creating a Model Policy Revision Committee with the intention to fulfill this requirement of Jack and Cait’s Law (HB 21-1221). The first revision of the Model Policy took place in 2022 and included 16 Revision Committee members: 4 parents of students who have experienced bullying, 3 students, 4 community members, and 5 educational organization members. In addition, the revision committee had representation from CDE's School Climate Transformation Specialist and the School Safety Regional Training Consultant from the Colorado School Safety Resource Center.


Timeline and Application Process

CDE is recruiting Model Policy Revision Committee members through an online application process which opens on August 21, 2024. Applicants are required to demonstrate their willingness to serve and their connection to bullying. Application requirements must be submitted online. Only complete applications are considered.

The CDE is seeking a minimum of 6 members including but not limited to:

  • Parents of students who have been bullied (minimum of 2)
  • Colorado public education students who have been involved in bullying (caregiver consent required)
  • Members of a community organization
  • Members of an educational organization (e.g., Colorado Association of School Boards, districts, and schools)

Revision Committee members are tasked with collaboratively updating the Model Policy. Members must be able to serve for the duration of the revision process are responsible for:

  • Following the revision process as outlined by CDE
  • Participating in the revision committee meeting
  • Meeting all deadlines

Revision Process

The revision process takes place over the course of several months and one revision committee meeting. In October, Revision Committee members will receive materials and provide feedback to CDE on the model policy. A meeting will be held for Revision Committee members in October to review and discuss feedback themes and recommended revisions. The CDE will revise the Model Policy, in part, based on these suggestions and post the 2025 Bullying Prevention and Education Model Policy in February 2025. 


  • August 21, 2024
    • Revision Committee applications open (available on this webpage).
  • September 11, 2024 at 4:00pm
    • Applications closed.
  • September 2024 
    • CDE notifies applicants on the final status of their application.
  • October 2024
    • Revision Committee members receive materials and provide feedback to CDE on the Model Policy.
  • November 2024
    • Revision Committee meeting.
  • December 2024 - January 2025
    • CDE revises Model Policy based on recommendations from the Revision Committee.
  • February 3, 2025
    • 2025 Model Policy published on the CDE website.


The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) is authorized by C.R.S. 22-2-144, also known as "Ashawnty's Law," with developing a model bullying prevention and education policy (Model Policy). The purpose of the Model Policy is to provide guidance to school districts, charter schools, and the Charter School Institute when developing bullying prevention and education policies. As per the law, the development of the Model Policy is informed by research on the approaches, policies, and practices related to bullying prevention and education used by education providers in other states. CDE is required to update the research and policy every three years.


In 2021, the Colorado Legislature passed HB 21-1221, also known as "Jack and Cait's Law." This law requires CDE to use a "stakeholder process" when updating the Model Policy and that parents of students who have been bullied must be included in the process. Additionally, this law states that the policy concerning bullying prevention and education for all school districts in Colorado "shall ensure that the school district's policy, at a minimum, incorporates approaches, policies, and practices outlined in the model bullying prevention and education policy developed pursuant to section 22-2-144." 


Model Policy

The Colorado Model Bullying Prevention and Education Policy can be found in the Colorado Bullying Prevention and Education Best Practices and Model Policy document below. The use of a best practices guide is an approach taken by many states to provide evidence-based resources to put the model policy in context. Additional bullying prevention resources can be found on the CDE Bullying Prevention Resources web page


If you have any questions regarding the application process, please send an email to: