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Consolidated Federal Programs Application
2025-2026 Consolidated Application
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2025-2026 Cross Program Section of the Consolidated Application Now Available
The application will be opened in a phased process to allow applicants time within the application while CDE awaits the release of the FY 2026 preliminary ESEA allocations. LEAs will now have access to begin completing the following sections:
Alternative Fund Use Authority (AFUA)
Cross-Program Questions
Non-Public Schools
2023-2024 EDT Data
ESSA School Improvement Narratives
Targeted and Additional Targeted Support Schools
Tribal Consultation Attestation
School Improvement Retention of Funds Request Form (2025-2026 SY)
2025-2026 ESEA General Assurances
The remaining components of the application including the Application Supplement: ESEA ARAC, specific Title narratives and all budgets will be available once Colorado has received preliminary ESEA allocations.
Note: BOCES applicants will be able to view, but not complete, the EDT, ESSA School Improvement Narratives, and the Targeted and Additional Targeted Support Schools pages until its member districts have completed the signover of funds. Once the member districts complete the LEA ARAC, CDE will load the data for these pages into the BOCES application.
The application is due to CDE on June 30, 2025, unless the LEA/BOCES has submitted an Extension Request within GAINS. The following are the components that will need to be submitted for the LEA/BOCES to receive Substantial Approval.
Completed Cross-Program Section
Completed Narrative(s) for the Title(s) accepted in the LEA’s/BOCES’ ESEA ARAC
Completed Budget(s)
On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), was signed into law. The passage of ESSA provides a much anticipated opportunity to improve achievement outcomes for all students by providing effective programs supported with Titles I, II, III, and IV funding. The new law broadens the allowable uses of title funds and our goal is to help ensure that you understand all of the opportunities this funding affords your LEA.
Under the ESSA, state educational agencies (SEAs) are required to collect local education agency (LEA) plans that address the requirements of the law, as well as descriptions of the activities the LEA will implement with its Title I, II, III, and IV allocations. To meet this requirement, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has developed, with stakeholder input, a new consolidated application, which includes a set of five cross-program questions, organized around five core elements:
- A comprehensive needs assessment;
- Meaningful, ongoing consultation with parents, teachers and other community members;
- The identification of students in need of additional support;
- Delivery and progress monitoring of evidenced-based student supports; and
- Evaluation of programs and activities funded by the ESSA.
Ongoing Tasks
View ESEA Year at a Glance
- Based on school and district timelines, conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) to identify the needs of students and staff in Title I, Part A schools and the district that may be served with Title I, Part A funds
- Continually identify and progress monitor student needs and align supports and services in Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance programs and Title I, Part A Schoolwide programs, as appropriate
- Ongoing evaluation and consultation should be conducted throughout the year to ensure effective supports and services to staff and students
- Conduct required parent engagement activities pursuant to Titles I, Part A
- Consult with all new schools (including charter schools) regarding the ESEA funds the school may be eligible to receive in the following school year. Eligible charter schools must be served with Title I, Part A during the first year of operation and in subsequent years in which the school's enrollment expands significantly
- Attend CDE Regional and Virtual Network Meetings See more
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