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Data-Based Decision Making: Dropout Prevention Framework



Foundational practices are focused on proactive systems-level efforts to engage students fully in learning. Foundational practices provide the groundwork for the implementation of the four dropout prevention strategies and are important structures to engage students. They are built off of and align to school improvement and student success efforts in Colorado including Colorado’s Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement; Multi-Tiered System of Supports; Landscape of Well-Being (coming soon); and Family, School, and Community Partnerships

Data-Based Decision Making:

Data-based decision making is essential to effective school practices. Data used to inform instructional and organizational decisions can lead to an increase in educator effectiveness and the likelihood of districts and schools meeting the unique needs of the students they serve. Schools are more likely to see success with data-based decision-making using data that are available in real-time and include indicators that research has shown to be reliable.

Data-based decision-making practices align with school support and response systems (such as Response to Intervention, MTSS, Ninth Grade success teams) and should include a continuous improvement approach. When data on overall school engagement and progress is connected to instructional data, schools can choose more targeted strategies for supporting students who are showing signs of risk and develop stronger Universal/Tier 1 or whole school initiatives.


Dropout Prevention Framework: This document includes the full framework, with foundational practices, prioritized strategies, and research citations. 

Implementation Spotlight

This section will be updated during the 2023-24 school year. 

Implementation Guides

Resources to support schools and districts in engaging in data-based decision making include: