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Aligned Policies and Practices to Build Coherence: Dropout Prevention Framework
Foundational practices are focused on proactive systems-level efforts to engage students fully in learning. Foundational practices provide the groundwork for the implementation of the four dropout prevention strategies and are important structures to engage students. They are built off of and align to school improvement and student success efforts in Colorado including Colorado’s Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement; Multi-Tiered System of Supports; Landscape of Well-Being (coming soon); and Family, School, and Community Partnerships.
Aligned Policies and Practices to Build Coherence:
Aligning policies and practices builds coherence between districts and schools as well as within and across schools. This allows all aspects of a school system to work together toward student success and ensure that policies reinforce and support student goals and outcomes. Policies and practices relevant to dropout prevention are varied and include discipline, attendance, grading, school climate, relationships, and behavior; policies and practices require intentional alignment to function optimally together and ensure that they reinforce and support efforts for engagement and student success and don’t unintentionally support student disengagement. Intentional setting of policies and practices and understanding the potential risks or drawbacks provides a stronger focus on success for all students.
Dropout Prevention Framework: This document includes the full framework, with foundational practices, prioritized strategies, and research citations.
Implementation Spotlight
This section will be updated during the 2023-24 school year.
Implementation Guides
Resources to support schools in developing aligned policies and practices that build coherence include:
- Policies and Practices Review. The Office of Dropout Prevention and Student Re-Engagement provides the Policies and Practices Review Tool for schools and districts to review their policy and practice structures, which is intended to guide the alignment of policies, practices, and supports.
- Aligning Systems for Student Success. The Grad Partnership guide, Student Success Systems: Building on MTSS and EWS to Create a Unified System, provides a framework for integrating and aligning people and processes to develop a holistic system of student supports.
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