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Literacy Curriculum Transparency
The Literacy Curriculum Transparency Act
SENATE BILL 21-151 Section 22-7-1209
With the passage of Senate Bill 21-151 (PDF), the General Assembly enacted the Literacy Curriculum Transparency Act. The act amends the Colorado READ Act to require each local education provider (LEP) to submit the following information to the department of education and requires the department to post the information on its website:
- The evidence-based or scientifically based core and supplemental reading curriculum, or a detailed description of the reading curriculum, by grade, used at each of the schools operated by the local education provider.
- The targeted, evidence-based or scientifically based core and supplemental reading instructional programs and intervention reading instruction, services, and other supports, or a detailed description of the programs, services, and other supports provided by each of the schools operated by the local education provider.
- The number of students enrolled in kindergarten, first, second, and third grades who have READ plans, as well as the number of students who have achieved reading competency.
- The local education provider's budget and narrative explanation for the use of the "Colorado READ Act" intervention money.
Data Collection and Reporting Timeline
The READ Literacy Programs & Assessment Data Collection is conducted annually. After the data collection closes, the data is published in the Literacy Curriculum Transparency Dashboard.
The Literacy Curriculum Transparency Dashboard
The Literacy Curriculum Transparency dashboard provides stakeholders a state, district, school, and grade level view of literacy instructional Core, Supplemental, Intervention programming, services and supports, the number of students who have READ plans, and the number of students who have achieved reading competency.
View the Literacy Curriculum
Transparency Dashboard
The Literacy Curriculum Transparency Icon
The Literacy Curriculum Transparency icon is an easily identifiable image representing student literacy and the Colorado READ Act. LEPs must include the icon and a link to this Literacy Curriculum Transparency webpage on their websites and ensure that each school-level website they operate does the same.
View Instructions &
Download the Icon
The READ Act Data Dashboard
The READ Act Data dashboard focuses on early literacy development for all students with special attention for students at risk or not achieving reading proficiency by the end of third grade.
View the READ Act
Data Dashboard
School District Budgets & Narratives
Budgets and narrative explanations must be submitted by each local education provider (LEP) for its use of the "Colorado READ Act" intervention money.
View Budgets &
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