CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Competitive Grants
Grants and Awards Forecast
The Competitive Grants and Awards Forecast is updated regularly to reflect current and upcoming funding and award opportunities available through various offices across the Colorado Department of Education. Current opportunities, links to specific program information, Requests for Applications, and recorded webinars are available. The forecast also highlights due dates, available funding, and eligibility criteria, as well as contact information for each program.
CDE Funding Opportunities
The availability of funding for the following programs is based on state and federal appropriations. Programs may not run in every fiscal year or may be discontinued at any time. Please contact program staff directly for more information on these opportunities.
Adult Education Initiatives
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) - Federal Funding
- Adult Education and Literacy - State Funding
Capital Construction
Educator Development
Empowering Action for School Improvement (EASI)
- Accountability Pathways and Implementation
- AEC's and Online Schools Review
- Connect for Success
- Diagnostic Review and Improvement Planning
- Facilitated Board Training for School Improvement
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Turnaround Leadership Development Program
- Turnaround Network
Exceptional Student Services
Health and Wellness
- CDC Healthy Schools Grant
- Comprehensive Health Education
- K-5 Social Emotional Health Pilot Grant
- Menstrual Hygiene Products Accessibility Grant Program
- Project Aware
- School Health Professional
- School Nurse Workforce Grant
- Student Wellness
Learning Supports
Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
- Concurrent Enrollment Expansion and Innovation
- High School Innovative Learning Opportunities
- PWR Career and Education FAFSA/CASFA
- School Counselor Corps
Preschool through Third Grade
- Comprehensive Early Literacy
- Early Literacy Assessment Tool (ELAT) Project
- Early Literacy Professional Development
School Climate
School Nutrition
Schools of Choice
Standards and Instructional Support
- Computer Science Education
- TIGER Music Grant (Technology, Instruments, Guest, Experiences, and Resources)
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