CDE will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
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Dual Language Immersion Standards
Standard-based instruction establishes the rigor and relevance of the Dual Language instructional program. In a Dual Language Immersion program, instruction is aligned to the standards in two languages, English and the target language. Students learn the same standards-based curriculum in all content areas that non-immersion students follow in any other classroom.
Immersion students develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in both English and the target language while attaining academic achievement that is at or above their grade level as measured by a variety of assessments. The World Language Standards and the Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards can be used for measuring language proficiency. Dual Language Immersion programs prepare students academically, linguistically, and socially for the challenges and needs of our global community.
Dual Language Immersion Programs design instruction using the following standards:
- Colorado Academic Standards
- Language Proficiency Standards
- Culturally Responsive Standards
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