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The State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education is a 26-member council. The breakdown of representatives is as follows:

  • Colorado State Board of Education appoints 19 representatives to three year terms
  • Colorado Department of Education appoints three representatives
  • Colorado Department of Higher Education appoints two representatives
  • Colorado Department of Early Childhood appoints one representative
  • Colorado Department of Human Services appoints one representative

The heads of each of the state agencies appoint those members for an unlimited length of tenure. The 2025 appointed members of the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE) are as follows:


SACPIE Membership 2025


Member Name



Congressional District of Parent Representatives


Roxanne Aviles Parent Representative  -- Congressional District 4 2024-2027
Kim Chatman

Parent Representative 

-- Congressional District 1 2022-2025

Brooke Coté

Parent Representative 


Congressional District 5


Beth Donahue

Colorado Department of Education-Exceptional Student Services Unit

Colorado Department of Education

-- --

Twyla Esquibel

Representative from higher education

Colorado Department of Higher Education

-- --

Dr. Angie Frank, Vice Chair

Parent Representative 


Congressional District 6


Kate Garvin State-based nonprofit organization specializing in promoting the involvement of families of traditionally underserved populations Keystone Policy Center -- 2025-2028

Dr. Kris Greer

Representative from higher education

Teacher Education Department/Fort Lewis College



Heidi Haines Nonprofit organization that specializes in promoting the involvement of families of students with disabilities Rocky Mountain Down Syndrome Association -- 2024-2027

Chelsey Hall

Representative of the department of human services appointed by the executive director of said department

Colorado Department of Human Services



Sena Harjo Representative of the department of early childhood appointed by the executive director of said department Colorado Department of Early Childhood -- --

Nathan Hickman

Colorado Department of Education-Federal Programs Unit

Colorado Department of Education

-- --
Sherrell Lang Parent Representative -- Congressional District 3 2024-2027

Jenny Lerner

Colorado Department of Education-Migrant Education Program

Colorado Department of Education



Mary McNeill

Expertise in early childhood care and education

Denver Great Kids Head Start



Dr. Carrie Olson Statewide organization that represents members of school district boards of education Colorado Association of School Boards -- 2025-2028
Ami Prichard Statewide organization that represents parents and teachers. Colorado Parent Teacher Association -- 2025-2028

Mark Sass

Statewide organization that represents teachers

Teach Plus Colorado, Adams 12 School District



Jason Taylor

Statewide organization that represents school executives

Platte Valley Middle School



Stacey Vanhoy State-based nonprofit organization specializing in promoting the involvement of families of traditionally underserved populations Home Visit Partnerships -- 2025-2028

Jessica Welch,

Statewide organization that represents charter schools

Charter School Institute



Liz Wilson Parent Representative  -- Congressional District 2 2024-2027

Dr. Michelle Zeles-Hahn

Parent Representative


Congressional District 8


Vacant Nonprofit organization that partners with funding providers, state agencies, and service providers to assist organizations in providing services to improve the health and well-being of families and children   --  
Vacant Parent Representative   Congressional District 7  
Vacant Statewide organization representing school counselors   --  
















































































Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Colorado Department of Education or the Colorado State Board of Education.