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State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE)

What is SACPIE?

SACPIE was established in 2009 and is the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education. The Colorado General Assembly found that it was in:

"...the best interests of the state to create a state advisory council for parent involvement in education that will review best practices and recommend to policy makers and educators strategies to increase parent involvement in public education, thereby helping improve the quality of public education and raise the level of students’ academic achievement throughout the state." (C.R.S. § 22-7-301(2), 2012)

Family, School, and Community Partnership (FSCP) Definition: Families, early childhood programs, schools, and communities actively partnering to develop, implement, and evaluate effective and equitable practices to improve educational outcomes for children and youth.


Family and School Partnership in Education Month


The word November in with each white letter hanging from the top of the image by a screen with an orange background.

November is Family and School Partnership in Education Month in Colorado. The State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE) believes that every child deserves the opportunity to shoot for the stars. Just as a space launch requires engineers, mathematicians, and other experts working together on a shared mission, education needs many different people doing their part to ensure that every student achieves their educational goals. We know that families, educators, and community members all have a critical role to play in helping our children and youth to achieve their dreams.

SACPIE encourages early childhood programs, elementary schools, secondary schools, districts, and institutes of higher education to read the 2024 collection of Promising Partnership Practices and explore the P-12 FSCP Framework to increase their capacity to provide high impact partnering strategies that lead to positive student outcomes. When we have a unified vision that all students can overcome the opportunity gap and we provide any support they need to succeed, everyone can reach the stars.


Seeking Applications

The State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education (SACPIE) is seeking applications for four vacancies:

  • A representative from a nonprofit organization that partners with funding providers, state agencies, and service providers to assist organizations in providing services to improve the health and well-being of families and children.
  • A representative from a statewide organization representing school counselors.
  • A parent representative from Congressional District 7.

Access the application here. Applications are due on January 10, 2025.

SACPIE 2024 Annual Report

The SACPIE 2024 Annual Report is now available. This document highlights SACPIE’s work during 2024 and outlines future projects.

According to SB 13-193 (PDF):

On or before December 31, 2013, and on or before December 31 each year thereafter, the Council shall report to the State Board, the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, and the Education Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives, or any successor committees, the council’s progress in promoting parent engagement in the state and in fulfilling the duties specified in this section.

SACPIE 2024 Annual Report State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education report cover



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this webpage are those of the State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Colorado Department of Education or the Colorado State Board of Education.