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Visual Impairment: Guidelines, Support Documents, and Resources
Office Hours
Tanni Anthony will provide Sound Bites for the 2024-2025 school year. Sound Bites provides opportunities for personnel trained to work with learners with visual impairments, including blindness, to gather once a month for professional learning and conversations on improving educational assessment and programmatic practices.
For specific details, please see the ACVREP Course Proposal for 24-25 Sound Bites.
Some sessions will be restricted to teachers of students with visual impairments (TVIs).
The dates are as follows from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
- October 16, 2024 - Transportation Toolbox
- Presenters: Dr. Tina Herzberg and Dr. Penny Rosenblum
- November 13, 2024 - Teaching Self-Advocacy
- Presenters: Dr. Lauren Leiberman and Ruth Childs
- December 11, 2024 - Meaningful and Measurable IEP Goals
- Presenter: Dr. Tanni Anthony and Elizabeth Webb
- January 28, 2025 - Interest and Engagement in Science
- Presenters: Dr. Tina Herzberg and Dr. Mary Robbins
- Feb 19, 2025 - APE for Students with Blindness/Low Vision
- Presenter: Connor Rodrigo
- March 19, 2025 - Optical Strategies to Enhance Mobility
- Presenter: Dr. Kara Hanson
- April 16, 2025 - Understanding Visual Field Loss in Children
- Presenter: Dr. David Simpson
2024-2025 Register for Sounds Bites
All participants must register no later than two weeks in advance for each training/conversation event.
- Educating Blind and Visually Impaired Students: Policy Guidance by the US DOE
- Guidelines for School Vision Screen Programs: Kindergarten through Grade 12 (PDF) (manual and supporting protocol)
- OSEP Policy Guidance on Braille Instruction, June 19, 2013 (PDF)
Support Documents
A Bill of Rights for All Children with Visual Impairments and Their Families
Eye Examination Form
All school-age children who are determined to be eligible with a Visual Impairment, Including Blindness will need to have an eye examination. This information does not confirm a child’s eligibility status for special education services and supports. It provides information about the learner’s visual diagnosis/diagnoses, clinical functioning, prognosis, and possible medical treatments for the eye condition(s). An example template has been created for administrative units to use and/or adapt to secure information about the eye examination.
Colorado Braille Competency Test Documents
- Colorado Braille Competency Testing Guidelines (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Competency (UEB) Test Information (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Mastery Test Accommodation Procedures (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Competency Renewal Testing Guidelines (PDF)
- CDE-Funded Braille Mentors (PDF)
Unified English Braille (UEB) Support Documents and Resources
- The ABCs of UEB by Constance Risjord
- The Rules of UEB, edited by Christine Simpson
- Duxbury UEB Chart Form
- Transcriber's UEB Online Course (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
- National Library Service (NLS) Braille Transcribing Course
- RIDBC Renwick Centre online training course in Unified English Braille (UEB), entitled "UEB Online for Sighted Learners"
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to UEB Literary
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to UEB Mathematics
- Unified English Braille for Math for Sighted Learners
Colorado Braille Competency Practice Test Documents
The Colorado Braille Competency Practice Test Documents are only for approved candidates for the Colorado Braille Competency Test. Approved candidates include licensed teachers of students with visual impairments or braillists employed in a Colorado public school district. If a copy of the Practice Test documents is needed in braille format, please email Tanni Anthony or call her at (303) 503-4647.
- Colorado Braille Practice Test - Example Multiple Choice Questions (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Practice Test - Answers to Example Multiple Choice Questions (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Practice Test - Sample 01 Seven (PDF)
- Colorado Braille Practice Test - Sample 02 Ten (PDF)
Literacy Fact Sheets for the Learner who is Blind/Visually Impaired
These information sheets were developed for individual team members who work together to draft Individual Education Program literacy goals and objectives for school-age 03 - 21 years) learners with visual impairment, including children with additional disabilities.
- Literacy Role of the TVI (PDF)
- Literacy Role of the Classroom Teacher and Reading Specialist (PDF)
- Literacy Role of the Classroom Teacher and School Psychologist (PDF)
- Literacy Role of the Speech Language Pathologist/Teacher of DHH (PDF)
- Literacy Role of the Occupational Therapist (PDF)
- Literacy Role of the Physical Therapist (PDF)
- Natural Environments Monograph (PDF)
Other Documents
Educator Resources
Colorado Resources and Support Services Specific to Blindness/Visual Impairment
- A Shared Vision: Partners in Pediatric Visual Impairment
- Anchor Center for Blind Children
- Audio Information Network of Colorado
- Colorado Association of the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (CAER) Chapter
- Colorado Center for the Blind Youth Programs
- Colorado Instructional Materials Center
- Colorado Talking Book Library
- Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind
- Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind: Student Employability
- Learning Ally
- University of Northern Colorado's teacher training program in Visual Impairment, which includes coursework in "Orientation and Mobility"
Correspondence Courses, Publication / Video Clip / Website Resources
- American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Press
- Blind Children's Center (publications)
- Family Connect (articles, videos, personal stories)
- Foundation for the Blind (products)
- Hadley School for the Blind (correspondence courses)
- National Federation of the Blind (publications)
- Paths to Literacy for Students who are Blind/Visually Impaired (literacy resources)
- Perkins School for the Blind (publications)
- Perkins School for the Blind (webcasts specific to blindness/deafblindness)
- Texas School for the Blind (handouts and publications)
- Washington State School for the Blind (video clips on blindness tips)
National Resources
- AERBVI - Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
- ACB - American Council of the Blind
- ACVREP - Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals
- AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
- APH- The American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.
- BANA- Braille Authority of North America
- CEC - Division on Visual Impairment of the Council for Exceptional Children
- COSB - Council for Schools for the Blind
- LI - Lighthouse International
- NBA - National Braille Association
- NFB - National Federation of the Blind
- RRTC - Rehabilitation Research & Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision
- USABA - United States Association for Blind Athletes
International Resources
- ICEVI - International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment
- WBU - World Blind Union
Information for Families of Children and Youth with a Visual Impairment Resources
- Family Centered Practices(CEC DVI Position Paper) (PDF)
- Specialized Services for Children Birth to Three: Clarifying Colorado Part C System Procedures for Children with Sensory Disabilities, April 2004 (PDF) and the Vision and Hearing Memo dated October 31, 2007 (PDF)
- CDE Sponsors the Parents Encouraging Parents (PEP) Conferences , which are family centered conferences designed to offer support, information, and education to parents and professionals.
- The Educational Rights of Parents (English) and Derechos Educacionales de los Padres (en Español)
Websites for Parents of Children with Disabilities, Including Visual Impairment
- Family Connect for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
- Lighthouse Guild
- National Federation of the Blind's National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
- Parent to Parent of Colorado
- PEAK Parent Center in Colorado
Scholarship Information
- SEE THE FUTURE FUND Scholarship Application
This application is for Colorado students who are blind/visually impaired and who are college-bound or currently in a college program. - American Foundation for the Blind
- Blinded Veterans Association
- Lighthouse International
- National Federation of the Blind
- National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
For more information on Resources for Visual Impairment including Blindness, please contact:
Tanni Anthony, Blindness/Low Vision Specialist
Phone: 303-503-4647
Email Tanni Anthony
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