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Team-Driven Shared Leadership
Component Definition:
Teaming processes and structures that focus on distributing responsibility and shared decision-making across and within regions, districts, and schools to effectively design and use systems of training, coaching, resources, implementation, and evaluation.
Practice Profile
The five COMTSS core components are the foundation and the underlying philosophy of the Practice Profiles. The COMTSS Practice Profiles were developed to specify exemplary strategies that district and school implementation teams can use to support effective and sustainable use of the COMTSS framework as intended. These profiles guide and inform the development and/or refinement of the necessary supports and resources for the COMTSS implementation, such as professional learning, coaching, identification of fidelity measures, a state-level evaluation plan, and necessary changes in procedures and policy.
Consideration to desired outcomes
Team-driven shared leadership creates authentic opportunities for shared responsibility, buy-in, and inclusivity that contribute to alignment and cohesion across the educational system in support of effective and sustainable implementation of MTSS and positive learner outcomes.
District Expected Use in Practice
- 1.1: The COMTSS District Implementation Team includes key internal and external stakeholder representation, creates a common vision, and uses organizational structures and processes.
- 1.2: The COMTSS District Implementation Team ensures time and resources are allocated to support ongoing, high-quality professional learning for themselves as a team and for schools.
- 1.3: The COMTSS District Implementation Team allocates resources and uses implementation stage activities to build district capacity to implement and evaluate COMTSS implementation across the district.
- 1.4: The COMTSS District Implementation Team uses a communication plan to promote COMTSS.
- 1.5: The COMTSS District Implementation Team is well versed in systems change, and examines the organization and alignment of district initiatives through the initiative inventory process and developing an action plan.
School Expected Use in Practice
- 1.1: The COMTSS School Implementation Team includes key internal and external stakeholder representation, creates a common vision and uses organizational structures and processes.
- 1.2: The COMTSS School Implementation Team ensures time and resources are allocated to support ongoing, high-quality professional learning for staff.
- 1.3: The COMTSS School Implementation Team allocates resources and uses implementation stage activities to build district capacity to implement and evaluate COMTSS implementation across the school.
- 1.4: The COMTSS School Implementation Team uses a communication plan to promote COMTSS.
- 1.5: The COMTSS School Implementation Team examines purposes and overlap among other decision-making teams and guides their effectiveness. (i.e. working smarter audit)
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