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Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) defines "Personnel" as:
Those who provide instruction, counseling, coordination and other programming for gifted students. Personnel shall be knowledgeable in the characteristics, differentiated instructional methods and competencies in the special education of gifted students. Qualified personnel with endorsement or an advanced degree in gifted education are preferred in specific programs and classrooms consisting of mainly gifted students. Every AU shall employ or contract with a person who is responsible for management of the program plan and professional development activities. 12.02(2)(j)(i)
"Qualified Personnel" or "Qualified Person" means a licensed, content endorsed educator who also has an endorsement or higher degree in gifted education; or who is working toward an endorsement or higher degree in gifted education. 12.01(26)
AU Gifted Personnel
The Exceptional Children's Education Act states the administrative unit's (AU's) Comprehensive Program Plan shall describe the personnel who provide instruction, counseling, coordination and other programming for gifted students [12.02(2)(j)(i)]. The plan reports the number of qualified gifted personnel to include: Core Endorsement, Gifted Specialist, Gifted Director.
AUs have the autonomy to determine the licensing and endorsement levels of educators supporting gifted students.
Paraprofessionals may serve in supportive roles, but may not be the sole instructional provider for gifted programming.
AU Gifted Coordinator/Director
AUs shall employ or contract with a person who is responsible for managing the gifted program plan and providing professional development activities.
AUs shall make a good faith effort to hire one qualified person, at least half time, to administer and monitor the implementation of the AU’s gifted program [12.02(2)(j)(ii)].
The AU's designated gifted manager may have various education roles and titles within the AU. However, CDE refers to the manager of the AU Gifted Program as the AU Gifted Coordinator/Director.
House Bill 14-1102 permits AUs to apply for grant funds to offset costs incurred by employing a qualified person to administer the gifted program plan.
Personnel 12.02(2)(j)
12.02(2)(j)(i) The program plan shall describe the personnel who provide instruction, counseling, coordination and other programming for gifted students. Personnel shall be knowledgeable in the characteristics, differentiated instructional methods and competencies in the special education of gifted students. Qualified personnel with endorsement or an advanced degree in gifted education are preferred in specific programs and classrooms consisting of mainly gifted students. Beginning with the 2010-2011 school year, every AU shall employ or contract with a person who is responsible for:
12.02(2)(j)(i)(A) Management of the program plan;
12.02(2)(j)(i)(B) Professional development activities, the purposes of which are:
12.02(2)(j)(i)(B)(I) To improve and enhance the skills, knowledge and expertise of teachers and other personnel who provide instruction and other supportive services to gifted students; and
12.02(2)(j)(i)(B)(II) To increase, to the extent practicable, the number of qualified personnel providing instruction to gifted students.
12.02(2)(j)(ii) The AU shall make good faith effort to hire and retain on at least a halftime basis one qualified person to administer and monitor the implementation of the AU’s gifted program.
12.02(2)(j)(iii) Administrative units should consider employing sufficient personnel for ALP writing and monitoring, and differentiated instruction for gifted students.
12.02(2)(j)(iv) Administrative units should collaborate with universities and colleges for the development of qualified personnel.
12.02(2)(j)(v) Personnel responsible for the instruction and learning of gifted students in core academic areas must meet the requirements under federal law for qualified teachers.
12.02(2)(j)(vi) Paraprofessionals may serve in supportive roles, but may not be the sole instructional provider, nor may such paraprofessionals be funded using state gifted education funds.
12.02(2)(j)(vii) The program plan shall also indicate the content of and means by which the AU supports the acquisition and/or improvement of the knowledge and competencies of personnel through appropriate professional development relating to the instruction, programming and counseling for gifted students. (e.g., induction and in-service programs, job-embedded training and coaching, gifted education workshops or institutes and college coursework). Key topics should include, but need not be limited to, gifted characteristics and myths, differentiated instruction, affective needs, counseling, content instructional options and advanced curricular strategies (e.g., higher order thinking strategies).
Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator.
Note: If you are not able to access the resources or need additional support, please contact the Office of Gifted Education Program Administrator
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