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Student Perception Surveys
Promising practices of flexibilities, efficiencies, and differentiation of using student perception surveys in teacher and special services provider (SSP) evaluation
Did You Know?
Student input can be used as a part of the evaluation process for teachers and/or SSPs.
Ideas for Using Student Perception Surveys in Teacher and SSP Evaluation
Example of using student input in teacher/SSP evaluation
One district administers a student perception survey annually and uses the information to inform specific professional practices on the State Model Evaluation rubric. This provides an opportunity for educators to have a pulse on student perceptions, thus allowing them to reflect on their practice and make adjustments.
Example of using student perception surveys in teacher evaluation
One district using a locally-created evaluation system administers a student perception survey annually and uses the information as part of the 50 percent professional practices, in addition to the teacher/SSP rubric. This provides an opportunity for educators to have information about student perceptions, thus allowing them to reflect on their practice and make adjustments.
Colorado Stories of Using Student Perception Surveys in Teacher and SSP Evaluation
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