CDE will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.
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Local Flexibility for Educator Evaluation
About Local Flexibility
The Great Teachers and Leaders Act, Senate Bill 10-191, is the groundbreaking educator evaluation law that changed the way principals, teachers and special services providers were supported and evaluated.
Many districts and BOCES are not aware of the many decisions around educator evaluations that the law allows to be made at the district and BOCES level. To provide districts and BOCES more clarity around this important area of work, the Educator Effectiveness Office is highlighting district examples and best practices to encourage reflection on these local decision areas.
These practices outline many of the ways districts can think about flexibilities, efficiencies, and areas for differentiation in their local evaluation systems.
Review the options below to choose an area that your district/BOCES may be interested in exploring.
Guiding Questions
These guiding questions may assist you in your exploration:
How is this information useful to my district?
By reviewing these areas, your district/BOCES will learn all the different areas of evaluation decisions-making available under Senate Bill 10-191 as well as learn from districts/BOCES who are thinking about evaluation differently.
What information is shared here that my district/BOCES has not seen before?
You will find legislative requirements, promising practices from others around the state, resources to support evaluation implementation, and ways to engage stakeholders.
How can my district/BOCES use this information?
The intent of this information is to spark conversation, system reflection and changes in local evaluation systems. Individuals and/or leadership teams will find this information helpful as they continuously improve their practice.
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