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Indicator 12 - Part C to B Transition
- a - # of children who have been served in Part C and referred to Part B for Part B eligibility determination.
- b - # of those referred determined to be NOT eligible and whose eligibility was determined prior to their third birthdays.
- c - # of those found eligible who have an IEP developed and implemented by their third birthdays.
d - # of children for whom parent refusal to provide consent caused delays in evaluation or initial services or to whom exceptions under 34 CFR §300.301(d) applied. - e - # of children determined to be eligible for early intervention services under Part C less than 90 days before their third birthdays.
f - # of children whose parents chose to continue early intervention services beyond the child’s third birthday through a State’s policy under 34 CFR §303.211 or a similar State option.
How is Colorado doing on this indicator?
The target for Indicator 12 is 100%
Additional Resources
Demonstration of Correction of Noncompliance Training Video for Indicators 11 & 12 from January 23, 2025
For more information, contact:
Orla Bolger
Supervisor, Data and Monitoring Liaison
Email Orla Bolger
Phone: (720) 921-0524
Sarah Tarus
Program Support Assistant
Email Sarah Tarus
Phone: (720) 765-0361
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