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Child Find East Central BOCES
Member Districts:
Adams County: Bennett 29J, Strasburg 31J
Arapahoe County: Byers 32J, Deer Trail 26J
Cheyenne County: Cheyenne County Re-5
Elbert County: Agate 300, Kiowa C-2
Kit Carson County: Bethune R-5, Burlington Re-6J, Hi-Plains R-23, Kit Carson R1; Stratton R-4
Kit Carson County/Lincoln: Arriba-Flagler C-20
Lincoln County: Genoa-Hugo C-113, Karval Re 23, Limon Re 4J
Washington County: Arickaree R-2, Woodlin R-104
Yuma County: Idalia RJ-3, Liberty J-4
All member districts
Cities: Agate, Anton, Arriba, Bennett, Bethune, Burlington, Byers, Cheyenne Wells, Cope, Deer Trail, Flagler, Genoa, Hugo, Idalia, Joes, Karval, Kiowa, Kirk, Kit Carson, Last Chance, Limon, Lindon, Parker, Seibert, Strasburg, Stratton, Vona, Watkins, Wild Horse, Woodrow
Child Find Coordinator:
Stacey Brown
Phone: (719) 740-0670
Fax: (719) 775-9714
Email Stacey Brown
PO Box 910, Limon, CO 80828
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