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Appendix: Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals
Handbook Contents
- Overview Page
- CDE-Verified List of Preschool Providers Eligible to Serve Children with IEPs
- Preschool Programs Identified by an AU to be Added to the CDE-Verified List of Preschool Programs Eligible to Serve Children with IEPs
- Every Licensed Child Care Program
- Local Coordinating Organizations and Colorado Department of Early Childhood Universal Preschool Staff
- Optional Professional Learning Available to all CDE Authorized Preschool Programs for Preschoolers with IEPs
- Appendix: Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals
- Appendix: Legislative Authority
The following competencies are related to inclusive programming and supporting children with special education needs. All of Colorado's Competencies for Early Childhood Educators and Professionals were updated Spring 2021.
Child Growth, Development, and Learning (CGDL) Category: Individual Needs and Differences
CGDL 8.1 Can describe the history, concept, and rationale behind inclusive education, including the intersection of race, culture, and ability for families of color. Considers the unique abilities of all children (regardless of culture, gender, age, race, ability, etc.) and believes in the benefits of children’s full participation in activities and daily routines.
CGDL 8.2 Applies knowledge and understanding of the elements of inclusion to create an environment where all children are individually valued and included. Ensures children’s individual goals or outcomes are culturally responsive and incorporated into daily activities, routines, and curriculum planning.
CGDL 8.3 Integrates equity-focused program policies, procedures, and practices that support a sense of belonging and full participation for children with special needs.
CGDL 9.1 Can describe the process for identifying and discussing with supervisors their concerns about a child’s development, behavior, or participation in learning activities. Can describe how to create individual child plans with the involvement of family and a multidisciplinary team.
CGDL 9.2 Assists with developing appropriate plans for individual children with the involvement of family and a multi-disciplinary team. Plans may include the use of assistive technology, resources, and services for children with special needs to ensure support for their growth, development, and learning.
CGDL 9.3 Applies developmentally appropriate strategies from each child’s individual plan. Analyzes effectiveness and the need for any changes in the support that is provided for a child. Does this with the involvement of the family and a multi-disciplinary team.
CGDL 10.1 Can describe Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), including legal requirements for children with special needs. Includes requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504.
CGDL 10.2 Applies knowledge about Inclusion and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) best practices to help plan accommodations and adaptations for individual children with special needs. This ensures children with special needs are included and able to access learning environments and experiences in culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate ways.
CGDL 10.3 Reviews and analyzes adapted learning environments and experiences. Makes adjustments in cooperation with a multidisciplinary team to ensure that children with special needs can fully participate and to ensure learning experiences are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
Child Observation and Assessment (COA) Category: Gathering and Documenting
COA 4.1 Can explain how culturally responsive observation and assessment help to identify children with special needs and determine eligibility for services through Early Intervention Colorado and preschool special education.
COA 4.2 Based on observation and assessment, implements culturally responsive supports and resources. Makes referrals to Early Intervention Colorado and preschool special education in response to concerns of delays, disabilities, or disorders for children in various developmental stages.
COA 4.3 Collaborates with IFSP* and IEP** teams, using information from observations and assessments, to inform appropriate strategies that provide optimal support for children with special needs. (*Individualized Family Service Plan ** Individualized Education Program)
Teaching Practices (TP) Category: Individualizing
TP 12.1 Can identify adaptations of learning opportunities in all developmental domains and in all areas of the curriculum for children with special needs.
TP 12.2 Adapts learning opportunities, experiences, materials, and environments for children with special needs.
TP 12.3 Plans alternative methods for learning for children with limited mobility or other physical disabilities. Uses resources within the community to enhance learning opportunities.
Professional Practice (PP)
PP 3.1 Can describe the importance of collaboration, confidentiality, and respect for all adults who work in early childhood settings as well as for all children and families.
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