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Renewal of One-Year Interim Authorization

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I renew my Interim Authorization more than once?

  2. Is renewal credit required for renewal of an Interim Authorization?

  3. Is it necessary to submit an application to get my initial license issued once I pass my?

  4. Should I submit my PLACE or Praxis scores to CDE once I pass my content area exam?

  5. I hold an Interim Authorization and have completed an induction program. Can I apply for the professional license now?

  6. I have taught middle school for more than 3 years. Why was I issued an Interim Authorization?

1. Can I renew my Interim Authorization more than once?

No, you may renew your Interim Authorization only once, which provides you two full years to pass your content area exam.

2. Is renewal credit required for renewal of an Interim Authorization?

No, you need only to submit a Renewal of Initial License/Interim Authorization application.

3. Is it necessary to submit an application to get my initial license issued once I pass my

content area exam?

Yes, you must submit an application to be evaluated for licensure.

4. Should I submit my Praxis scores to CDE once I pass my content area exam?

Yes, you must upload and submit your PLACE or Praxis scores within your online application for licensure.

5. I hold an Interim Authorization and have completed an induction program. Can I apply for the professional license now?

Depending on your individual situation, induction programs completed while holding an Interim Authorization may apply toward fulfilling the requirements of a professional license. Complete and submit an application for an initial license. Upon evaluation, if you have met the requirements of a professional license, one will be issued to you.

6. I have taught middle school for more than 3 years. Why was I issued an Interim Authorization?

Because Colorado does not offer a gneralist middle school endorsement, CDE issues a one-year Interim Authorization to allow you to teach and to give you time to take and pass the appropriate content exam in the Colorado endorsement area.