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CMAS - State Summative Assessments

Attention Parents

New in 2025! Parents can access their student's state assessment results as soon as they are available:

  • PSAT and SAT in May
  • CMAS and CoAlt in June

Your student's state student identifier (SASID) is needed to access CMAS and CoAlt results; student CollegeBoard accounts are used to access PSAT and SAT results.

Note: CDE cannot provide sensitive student information to individuals. Check your school's student information system for your student's SASID or contact your school or district for support. SASIDs also appear on previous years' CMAS reports.

As in previous years, data files and reports will become available to districts and schools throughout June and July. Districts and schools may use aggregated and individual student level results internally for informational and planning purposes as soon as they are received.

Find Your District's State Assessment Contact for CMAS Support


Concepts and skills explicitly identified in the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) are the basis for the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) assessments. The purpose of CMAS is to indicate the degree to which students have mastered the CAS in mathematics, English language arts, science, and social studies at the end of the tested grade level. CMAS results provide one measure of a student’s academic progress relative to the CAS. Teaching to the CAS with fidelity is the best preparation for the CMAS assessments, which were developed by CDE in partnership with Colorado educators and the assessment vendor, Pearson, Inc.

CMAS assessments are administered annually in the spring. 

Mathematics Assessments

  • Students in grades 3 through 8 take the grade level math assessment for their enrolled grade.
  • Calculator Policy - PDF

English Language Arts (ELA) Assessments

  • Students in grades 3 through 8 take the grade level ELA assessment for their enrolled grade.
  • Colorado Spanish Language Arts (CSLA) is an accommodated version of the ELA assessment available to qualifying students in grades 3 and 4.

Science Assessments

  • Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 take the grade level science assessment for their enrolled grade.

Social Studies Assessments

  • Students in grades 4 and 7 take the grade level social studies assessment for their enrolled grade at selected schools only.

Get Involved in CMAS Development

Find Your District's State Assessment Contact for CMAS Support