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Trainings for McKinney-Vento
Stakeholder-Specific Video Trainings
The following are links to video training resources for districts to utilize in the implementation of McKinney-Vento for the stakeholder groups indicated:
Back-to-School: Identification and Enrollment of McKinney-Vento Eligible Students
As we engage in the excitement of back-to-school time, it is important to remember that many students start school without everything they need to access, stay stable in, and experience success in school and school activities. Colorado school districts identified over 16,500 students as experiencing homelessness, or McKinney-Vento eligible, in the 2021-22 school-year. Back-to-school time is one of the primary times during the school year where districts identify and connect students experiencing homelessness to the services and supports they need to be successful.
A Back-to-School Webinar was hosted by the Colorado Department of Education on August 24, 2023. This webinar was facilitated by CDE contractor Cathy Ebel and spotlighted CDE’s School Nutrition Office and McKinney-Vento District Liaison Panelists.
August 24, 2023 Back-to-School Webinar
Passcode: VM%S3fhJ
Resources to Support Students Experiencing Homelessness in the Back-to-School Season
A federal brief on the role of the liaison;
A “Determining Eligibility” document that is highly recommended. It provides insights on how to assess McKinney eligibility;
Frequently Asked Questions of McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act;
LEA Homeless Liaison Toolkit: this document is an excellent resource for all McKinney-Vento District Liaisons. Download a copy at: https://nche.ed.gov/homeless-liaison-toolkit/
Educational Rights for Homeless Children and Youth Posters: available in both English and Spanish, these posters can help LEAs comply with federal posting requirements. Posters can be downloaded to print or ordered online at https://nche.ed.gov/downloads/
Of note, by federal law a responsibility of all local educational agency liaisons is to assure that “public notice of the educational rights of homeless children and youths is disseminated where such children and youths receive services under this Act, such as schools, family shelters, and soup kitchens;” Section 722(g)(6)(A)(v)
Regional Collaborative Conversations
Partners in this work include but are not limited to:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education
Foster Care Education
Migrant Education
Out of School Time
Health and Wellness
Family, School, Community Partnerships
Provide local communities with the opportunity to build a plan for providing greater access to out of school time programming for highly mobile youth
Gather data and perspective on local challenges and how communities are working to overcome challenges in partnership
Inform the creation of the funding opportunities awarded by CDE to reduce barriers and increase access for highly mobile populations
Sign-up to Learn more about Regional Collaborative Conversations in your Region
Training Archives
2020-2021 Trainings:
- New Data Elements for Homeless Students
- New McKinney-Vento Liaison Orientation
- MKV Back to School Webinar Slides (PPT) and Recording
- Family, School, and Community Partnerships Coffee Chat (PPT) and Recording
Highly-Mobile Coffee Chats (Spring 2021)
- February 11, 2021: Housing Resources (not recorded): DOH Presentation (PPT), CHC Flyer (PDF), and CV HDC Youth Housing Assistance Program (DOC)
- March 11, 2021: My First Year as a Liaison - Recording, passcode: F8+#3RXM
- April 8, 2021: SB 106, Unaccompanied Youth - Recording, passcode: mM#R.9*L
- May 13, 2021: Migrant Education - Recording, passcode: 21$D!FCT
2019-2020 Trainings:
- Back to School Webinar (PPT)
- Unaccompanied Youth and FAFSA Webinar
- Webinars conducted in partnership with NAEHCY
- NCHE webinars
Share and Learn with Liaisons across Colorado Recordings (Spring-Summer 2020) - PowerPoints can be provided upon request.
- Session 1: The Federal CARES Act and McKinney-Vento Identification and Outreach
- Session 2: Utilizing ESEA Title IA homeless set-asides and other resources
- Session 3: Connecting McKinney-Vento Students with Food and Nutrition
- Session 4: Connecting Students with Housing and Resources
- Session 5: Connecting MKV Families and Unaccompanied Youth with Libraries
- Session 6: Connecting McKinney-Vento Students to Health and Mental Health
- Session 7: Summer Transition: Maintaining Connections
Building Mutual Engagement between Schools and Continuums of Care
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