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The 6 Core Student Outcomes
Colorado believes the 6 Core Student Outcomes are a comprehensive way to support our students achieve postsecondary success.
Student Video
Watch this video from Molly Kirkham, former student at Golden High School, to learn what the Sequencing of Services outcomes means for youth with disabilities.
Note: Subtitles are available but you may need to click the CC / Show Captions button on the video player and then select English (United States) in order for them to display.
Build Self-Determination and Leadership Skills
Goal: To have each student develop the skills and knowledge to understand their strengths and areas of need, set and achieve goals for themselves and achieve them, and to work with other people and to be a leader in their own life.
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Build Skills to Safely Navigate Community and Access Services
Goal: To have each student gain the skills to safely navigate their community and understand the resources and services available to them.
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Understand Post-Secondary Options
Goal: To have each student gain an understanding of opportunities after high school to expand their training, knowledge and skills through additional programs and schooling.
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Develop Competence in Computer and Digital Literacy
Goal: To have each student gain skills to access a computer and the internet to expand their opportunities for connection and skill building.
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Expectation of Competitive Employment
Goal: To have each student gain pre-employment transition services, work-based learning experiences and informative assessments throughout their high school years to make progress toward their employment related goal. Each student will have a paid employment experience before they leave high school increasing their chances of competitive integrated employment when they move into the community.
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Understand Disability and Health Management
Goal: To have each student have the skills to manage their own healthcare and decision making.
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