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Response to Intervention

What's New:

RtI Data Tool 

Data Meeting Facilitation Guide


RtI Modules L1 and L2 within COMTSS online academy

(L1) Response to Intervention - An Introduction

(L2) Response to Intervention - History In Colorado


Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports (COMTSS) Speaker Series recorded webinar. with Dr. Tim Lewis: RtI within COMTSS- 3 Part Series

COMTSS Speakers Series Materials Padlet

Rtl Logo

For more information:

Lynne DeSousa, MTSS Specialist/RtI and PBIS Integration Coordinator
Cell: 303-501-2067

About Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RtI) is a preventive approach to improving individual outcomes through high-quality universal instruction within a multi-tiered system that connect supports matched to students' academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs.

Key Features of Response to Intervention

  • Collaborative Teaming across all educational systems (including but not limited to families, general education, special education, special services providers, and gifted education).
  • A clear problem-solving model with steps and routine.
  • A formal and predictable process to select and implement solutions that are culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate.
  • Decision rules based on data from a variety of formal and informal assessment tools (including information gathered from the families, curriculum-based measurement, diagnostic assessment, observation, and validated screening and progress monitoring tools).
  • Capacity building opportunities for staff and families to address and remove barriers to implementation (so all feel competent to implement supports and confident in the plan's ability to achieve intended outcomes).
  • Consistent, meaningful collaboration with families (to build trusting relationships, encourage bidirectional communication, and gain insights that support effective solutions).


Rtl in Legislation Resources and Research

Response to Intervention within COMTSS 

Purpose: The Response to Intervention (RtI) within COMTSS Table provides a more detailed look at how RtI fits within each of the five Essential Components of a Colorado's Multi-Tiered System of Supports. Information from the table is intended to be both practical and user-friendly for those who need a quick reference.

Rtl within COMTSS Table

Response to Intervention within Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports


The Colorado Department of Education emphasizes that Response to Intervention (RtI) lives within a Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports (COMTSS). COMTSS is defined as “a prevention-based framework of team-driven, data-based problem solving for improving the outcomes of every student through family, school, and community partnering and a layered continuum of evidence- based practices applied at the classroom, school, district, region, and state level.” COMTSS supports every stakeholder through capacity-building and system development. MTSS may be likened to a tapestry with common threads of prevention science, tiered logic, integrated learning supports, implementation science, effective teaming practices, and data-based problem solving.

RtI is narrowly focused on the use of data, practices, and individual student systems to ensure every student makes the necessary educational growth to succeed in postsecondary settings and to advance in career pathways of choice. In Colorado, RtI is defined as a preventive approach to improving individual outcomes through high-quality universal instruction within a multi-tiered system that connect supports matched to students’ academic, social- emotional, and behavioral needs.


Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports Data Meeting Facilitation Guide

Data Meeting Facilitation Guide


The Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Supports (COMTSS) Data Meeting Facilitation Guide was developed to assist school educators as they engage in dialog during decision-making team meetings. The foundation of this tool was based upon the handbook Implementing Structured Data Meetings developed by the Meadows Center at the University of Austin TX and the English Learner Institute for Teaching and Excellence (ELITE). The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) would like to thank the Meadows Center and ELITE for granting permission to use their facilitation guide as a springboard for the CDE COMTSS Data Meeting Facilitation Guide. 

The tool is organized into three sections that roughly align to the cadence of a typical school year (beginning, middle, end) to add a level of specificity to data collection, analysis, corresponding questions, and decisions that teams generally consider during different times of the school year. Within each of these broad sections, the document is further divided into Tier 1, 2, and 3 as the layered continuum helps with organization and access to the supports through layers that increase in intensity.