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Results Matter Video Library - Practicing Observation, Documentation and Assessment Skills - Page 3
We wish to thank the families and early childhood education teams who have partnered with us to create the videos in the Results Matter Video Library. CDE produces these videos for professional development activities and obtains voluntary written permission from all parties who appear in these video clips.
How to Access the Videos
You can watch the clips online as they are embedded on the webpage or open them in YouTube. You have the option to download the videos for use in professional development activities. To download the .mp4 file, select the Download Video link located next to each video.
- Open the video file in your browser by clicking on the link
- Select the three dots on the lower right corner of the video for the option to download
View the Results Matter Video Library Catalog (PDF)
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- You may not use any of the videos on this site for commercial purposes.
- You may not edit, alter, transform or build upon any of the videos on this site.
- You may not download and re-upload a video file on this site to any website. However, you may use the YouTube share option to link to or embed the video on another website.
These videos were produced and posted to this website with voluntary written permission from all parties who appear in the videos including program staff, volunteers and parents/guardians on their own behalf and that of their children.
These videos are NOT extracted in any form from child assessment records but rather were produced by CDE for professional development activities.
For more information about the video library, please contact:
- Marcia Blum, Preschool Special Education Specialist - Email Marcia Blum
Video Categories
(Click on a category below to view a list of videos)
» Clips for Practicing Observation, Documentation and Assessment Skills
(View Only Practice Clips in Spanish)
These clips were developed to be used in professional development activities to give early care and education providers an opportunity to practice observation and documentation skills.
Valeria - At the Art Table (Runtime: 4:01)
Valeria demonstrates a range of art, fine motor skills, and writing skills as she works with paper, glue, a variety of material, and writes her name with a crayon.
Mauricio Reading Books (Runtime: 1:54)
Mauricio demonstrates a variety of literacy skills while reading books with his teacher.
Ricky, Lilly, and Emiliano Play with an iPad (Runtime: 4:20)
Ricky, Lilly, and Emiliano demonstrate a variety of social, communication and iPad-related skills during choice time at preschool.
Adrian Draws a Picture of Herself (Runtime: 5:41)
Adrian demonstrates a number of skills as she draws a picture of herself and talks about the picture.
Alicia on the Playground (Runtime: 3:07)
Alicia demonstrates a range of her motor skills on the playground. No speaking in this video, only background playground sounds. This video is not captioned. The children engaged in play are not speaking or vocalizing.
Asia and Lyric Building a Road Together (Runtime: 3:23)
Asia and Lyric demonstrate their imaginative, communication, cooperative, and fine motor/manipulative skills will building together.
Austin and Sander at the Breakfast Table (Runtime: 3:06)
Austin and Sander demonstrate a variety of communication and self-help skills at breakfast.
Austin and the Broken Bridge (Runtime: 2:48)
Austin demonstrates a variety of social, motor, and play skills while building with foam blocks.
Davana and Jozlynn at the Sand Table (Runtime: 2:49)
Davana and Sidney Painting Together (Runtime: 4:49)
Davana and Sidney demonstrate their artistic and communication skills at the activity table.
Evan and Iris at Cleanup Time (Runtime: 1:08)
Evan and iris do a thorough job cleaning a table, chairs, and the surrounding area during clean-up time.
Evan, Elyas, Lyric, and Itiah On the Bus (Runtime: 5:25)
Four preschool children illustrate their imaginative pretend play skills.
Evan and Pharoh At the Water Table (Runtime: 2:31)
Evan and Pharoh explore a variety of ways of pouring and filling vessels with water. This video is not captioned. The children engaged in play are not speaking or vocalizing.
Itiah and De'Ari and The Three Bears (Runtime: 6:20)
Itiah and De'Ari participate during group reading time as a teacher reads The Three Bears.
Jacob Draws a Picture of Himself (Runtime: 1:33)
Keyave Building a Tower (Runtime: 3:40)
Melanie and the Rock People (Runtime: 3:10)
Melanie demonstrates a variety of skills during this imaginative play activity.
The Construction Site (Runtime: 2:54)
Three boys have animated conversations as they build complex block structures.
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