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Results Matter Self-Reflection and Implementation Tools
Results Matter Implementation Responsibilities Plan
Implementing GOLD® with fidelity, for both early childhood teachers and administrators, requires many individuals. Having a clear understanding of the practices, communication, and supervision that is involved is an important part of accurately reporting data. To assist with this, we offer a tool track task completion timelines and staff responsible to ensure that the essential tasks and practices are performed. This template can be adapted and used with other assessment tools in the Results Matter menu.
Results Matter Implementation Responsibilities Plan Template (PDF)
This tool will help early childhood teachers and administrators implement GOLD® well by giving them: the “big picture” of tasks that need to be completed throughout the year. Timelines and role assignments will help ensure that the data collected is complete and accurate. The implementation planning tool can also help coaches, supervisors, and administrators to assist teachers in developing personal learning plans, support teacher performance over time, and gauge teacher use of GOLD® when planning appropriate classroom activities.
- The implementation plan was developed by conducting a task-analysis of the effective use of GOLD®, with input from teachers, administrators, professional development specialists, and CDE staff. Still, there is likely to be local variation in what is expected of teachers or when it is to be expected, you may modify it as needed.
- You have permission to modify the document, but please use the following attribution guidelines:
- We ask that you include an acknowledgement such as: “Adapted from Results Matter, Colorado Department of Education" at the end of the document.
Local Contributing Factor Tool for SPP/APR Indicator 7
The Local Contributing Factor Tool was developed by the Early Childhood Outcomes Center (ECO) through technical assistance across several states. Collecting and using valid and reliable data to determine underlying factors impacting local performance to develop meaningful improvement plans is an important aspect of improving Preschool Outcomes Indicator 7 data.
Local Contributing Factor Worksheet (PDF)
Please keep in mind:
- These tools represent only part of the story, they should be used as part of implementing high quality early learning experiences through data-based problem solving and decision-making.
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