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CDE-Provided Reading Training - Face-to-Face
Explore Keys to Beginning Reading Semester Options
About Keys to Beginning Reading
The face-to-face training Keys to Beginning Reading by Keys to Literacy is organized into twelve modules that include 45 hours of content on scientifically and evidence-based practices in teaching reading with a K-3 lens.
Course Details:
- All face-to-face sessions will be held virtually as synchronous sessions.
- Class sizes will be capped at 30 participants.
- If a minimum of 15 participants do not register for a cohort, the cohort may be canceled.
- Registration for courses will close 2 weeks prior to the first training session to allow for manuals to be mailed to participants.
- Course manuals will be mailed to participants soon after registration closes.
- Attendance at all training sessions and a score of 80% or higher on the end of course assessment are required to meet the evidence-based training in teaching requirement.
Learn More About This Course
For questions about the face-to-face training or registration email
For all other questions related to the READ Act email
13.01(C)(2)(a): Successfully completed a CDE-provided reading training designed to meet this training requirement and passed the end of course assessment of learning
Educators will submit evidence of meeting the evidence-based training in teaching reading requirement to the CDE through the Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system.
District Duties/Tasks
- District informs teachers of the option to register for the CDE-provided face-to-face teacher training and information on how to register.
- District maintains a record of which teachers have met this requirement.
- District reports this information to the CDE upon request.
Teacher Duties/Tasks
Please note: Teachers must retain all documentation.
- Teacher registers for the CDE-provided face-to-face teacher training.
- Teacher completes the CDE-provided face-to-face reading training and takes the end of course assessment earning a passing score.
- Teacher receives a certificate of completion which notes that he/she has successfully passed the end of course assessment.
- Teacher submits his/her certificate of completion through the Colorado Online Licensing (COOL) system.
- For detailed instructions on submitting documentation to COOL, click here.
- Teacher receives and saves a copy of documentation from the CDE that demonstrates the "READ Act designation" attached to their CDE file.
- Teacher provides the district with documentation of successful completion of course requirements.
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