The Colorado Department of Education's main phone line (303-866-6600) will be closed on Friday, February 7 from 8am until 1pm.
Lines will re-open at 1pm. For immediate assistance, contact
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Options for Earning College Credit in High School
Discover Your Options
Explore and compare the multiple options below to learn more about earning college credit as a high school student. There are benefits, challenges and costs to each option. Find what works for you!
- Take a college course while in high school
- No tuition cost, but you may be responsible for books, supplies or fees
- Course guaranteed to transfer
- Take a college course while in high school
- May have to pay for tuition and be responsible for books, supplies or fees
- Courses not guaranteed to transfer
- Take college courses while enrolled in a 5th year of high school
- No tuition cost, but you may be responsible for books, supplies or fees
- Potentially a full year of college tuition FREE
Coursework & Exam Options
- College-level coursework offered at participating high schools
- End-of-year exam with qualifying score needed to earn college credit
- Potential exam fees
State Designated Schools / Programs
- Opportunity to earn an associate's degree, postsecondary credential or at least 60 college credits by the time you graduate high school
- Most students complete requirements in four years
- Not widely available
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