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Timing and Sharing the Evaluator Assessment
Promising practices of flexbilities, efficiencies, and differentiation for the timing and sharing of the evaluator assessment
Did You Know?
The progress an educator has made on the evaluator rubric/rating can be shared at any point throughout the year; evaluator assessment does not need to only be completed at the end of the evaluation cycle. The only legislative requirement is that educators need to receive their rating at least two weeks prior to the last day of school.
Ideas for Sharing the Evaluator Assessment
Example of using the evaluator assessment throughout the year to target information gathering and feedback
One principal shared their evaluator assessment in Colorado Performance Management System or RANDA at the beginning of the year with all of their educators. Having this working rubric open and shared with each teacher from the beginning of the year, the principal felt a more transparent process and increase in trust. As this principal gathered data throughout the year, formal and informal data points were added into the system that could be seen, not only in notes, but also as aligned to the rubric practices. The principal and teachers expressed added clarity around areas of growth and increased teacher engagement in the evaluation. More principal invitations to observe targeted areas were reported, resulting in deeper conversations about their practice.
Colorado Stories of Sharing the Evaluator Assessment
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