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CDE Information
To view all current openings for at-will and classified position postings, visit the Job Openings and Employment Application webpage.
Contact the Human Resources Office with questions.The State of Colorado is an equal opportunity employer and encourages all qualified minorities and persons with disabilities to apply.
Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests are handled by the Communications Division. To submit a request, first read the Colorado Open Records Act policy, then submit your CORA request form.
CDE does not formally collect complaints about schools or districts. To file a complaint, reach out to your school principal, then, if necessary, the district superintendent, then your local school board.
For students with an Individualized Education Program, contact the Exceptional Student Services Unit's Dispute Resolution team at 303-866-6694.
Student Loans
Contact the U.S. Department of Education at 800-433-3243 or the Education Credit Management Corp. at 866-264-8566.
School and District Information
View student, school and district data information collected at the state level on the Colorado Education Statistics section of the CDE website. If you would like additional information or more detail, follow the instructions on the CDE Data Request webpage.
Download and view PDF maps to locate your school district based on the Colorado county in which you reside.
Any group of parents, teachers and/or community members may develop a charter application. A minimum size is not defined in the charter school law. The school must be nonsectarian and non-home-based. Applications may not be submitted to convert an existing private school or non-public home-based educational program into a charter school.
For more information, visit the Colorado Charter Schools Introduction webpage.
CDE collects and evaluates certain educational data as mandated by the state General Assembly. We also provide district-by-district data in specific educational areas, as well as a yearly collection of general education statistics for the state. Find statistics on our website.
Visit SchoolView for school and district dashboards, financial transparency information, annual accountability reports and more.
School Quality
CDE does not assess the value of one school over another. For performance results, visit the Performance Framework Reports and Improvement Plans in SchoolView.
Contact the Capital Construction Unit at 303-866-2153.
Student Enrollment
Student Records
If you have not already, you may try contacting the two offices listed below. Both handle licensing and regulatory information for small businesses. Private (non-public) schools are required to obtain a small business license from the Secretary of State, Licensing and Enforcement Division, in order to open so they may have the contact for the school on file.
Secretary of State, Licensing and Enforcement Division
303-894-2200 x2
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade
1625 Broadway, Suite 2700, Denver, CO 80202
Neither CDE nor the districts receive or retain private school records. Please contact the school itself.
If the school is closed, contact the parent organization that operated the school to see if they retained that school’s records. See: "How do I contact a closed private school?"
Contact the Colorado Department of Higher Education via their website or by calling at 303-862-3001.
Go to or call 855-313-5799.
Districts to not keep copies of student diplomas, but districts are required to retain student transcripts in perpetuity. You will need to contact the school district in which your student attended school.
Contact the district in which the student in question attended school
Educator Licensing
If you are a member of the public, you can see if an educator has an active credential, a past credential or if a credential was denied, suspended, revoked or annulled by using the Public Educator Lookup.
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