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FSCP P-12 Framework Collaborative
FSCP P-12 Framework Collaborative
The Collaborative focuses on strengthening family engagement for positive student outcomes using the FSCP P-12 Framework and Rubrics to guide annual planning and implementation. Collaborative teams will have the opportunity to attend in-person networking meetings and receive coaching support from CDE. Over the course of the school year, teams will determine starting points, strategies, progress monitoring benchmarks, as well as integration opportunities with the Unified Improvement Plan and Progress Monitoring tools. To date, over 15 districts across Colorado have participated in a FSCP P-12 Collaborative.
To learn more about the FSCP Collaborative, watch this webinar.
If a district is interested in participating, please complete this Google form.
Collaborative Calendar
- August - September
- Districts will form a team with staff, families, community partners, and potentially students. This may be the SAC or DAC, a subcommittee of the SAC or DAC, or you may form a new team.
- Districts will determine chair or co-chairs for their team.
- Teams will determine a school-year meeting schedule.
- Teams will consider how this FSCP team will align its work with other districtwide initiatives.
- September
- Kick-Off Networking meeting (in-person, all teams invited).
- Complete rubrics, as described in the FSCP Framework User's Guide.
- Determine starting points and strategies for the school year, with interim benchmarks to monitor progress along the way.
- Gather feedback from other stakeholders or use other data sources to validate the plan (e.g., survey data, interviews).
- October
- Coaching check-ins with CDE staff.
- Work with stakeholders to ensure FSCP goals are integrated into the Unified Improvement Plan.
- Review the Promising Partnership Practices for ideas on potential activities.
- November - February
- Coaching check-ins with CDE staff.
- Progress monitor FSCP strategies and determine if modifications are needed.
- March
- Attend in-person Networking meeting (in-person, all teams invited).
- March - April
- Coaching check-ins with CDE staff.
- Present annual progress to the local Board of Education and other key stakeholders.
- May - June
- Attend the FSCP Annual District Leaders' Retreat
- Revisit the rubrics, as described in the FSCP Framework User's Guide
- Document progress, challenges, and successes
- Celebrate successes - begin planning for next year.
- Submit rubrics to and complete exit interviews with CDE staff.
Collaborative Agreement
CDE will:
- Provide rubrics, framework, and planning documents (aligned to the UIP)
- Host an annual kickoff
- Host quarterly cluster meetings
- Conduct monthly check-ins
- Provide technical assistance and other supports as needed
Districts will:
- Establish or leverage the existing district level FSCP team
- Complete FSCP rubrics and any other supporting measures/data sources (BOY and EOY)
- Determine strategies and end of year goals based on the rubrics
- Integrate with UIP
- Attend networking cluster meetings
- Obtain superintendent or district leadership team's support of participation in the Collaborative for the school year.
Questions? Email Jes Stroope.
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